Jonathan + Tiffany of hot metal studio are some of our favorites.  I had the honor of working with Jonathan for a time when I was on staff at North Way Christian Community, + I wish that they were our next door neighbors, because I love anytime I get to spend with Tiffany.  [grr.. still need to meet that precious baby Clementine!]

We had the privilege of hiring Tiffany to take maternity photos, newborn photos + 6-ish month photos of Harlow! To say that they turned out well is an understatement: I find myself staring at them quite often.

[warning: you are about to be photo-bombed.]

first came the bump.

[ok. enough of us: we’re not cute. but what is to come: the cuteness might knock you over.  sit down.]

then she was a little peanut.

then she became a total ham.

check. out. her. face! goodness, she cracks me up.

do yourself a favor: go check our Jonathan + Tiffany over at hot metal studio.  + like them on facebook, too!


[photo credit for all photos]



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