Life isn’t a sprint.

I know it’s a marathon + it takes pacing, consistency, discipline + most importantly: Him.

I also know that sometimes? He throws a little sprint training into the mix.

That’s where I am now. 

But the deal is, it’s not about me.  It’s not about any of us.  It’s about Him.

It’s not about perfection.

It’s about being transparent + vulnerable.

It’s about throwing away everything ugly for everything beautiful.

And yes, this blog, my blog, will still be filled with Harlow photos, Coconut Robot designs, recipes, adoption updates, Elimination Communication information, goals, family, life, New Mom Thoughts + so much more.

But God has me a little distracted right now.  But it’s a good thing.  I described it to a few friends yesterday as this:

It feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.  A really great truck, but a truck nonetheless.

God is using #SheReadsTruth in ways that I never could have dreamed about.  It’s His baby, not ours.

Our prayer is that women are changed for life, not for just a time.

Our prayer is that marriages are saved.  Families are impacted.  + silence + shame are replaced by His peace, truth, understanding + love.

Our prayer is that the fear of sharing your love for Christ is replaced by such joy that you cannot, no matter how hard you try, hold it in.

Our prayer is that as daughters, friends, wives, mothers + women: we would make a dent in this world for Him.  + for Him only. 

That is our prayer.  Will you pray with us?  Pray for His will.  His vision.  His dreams.

#SheReadsTruth is about Him first.  Then it’s the people.  YOU ALL.  The community.  The women.  The lives changed.  That is all.

So yes.  My mind is occupied a bit with great stuff.

But I’m also working on lovely little lovelies for some lovely babies + ladies.

Don’t they all look like friends? ;o]

I will be continuing the series on Elimination Communication: my infant poops on the potty.  Keep emailing me your questions! [also? she turns 1 in less. than. a. week.  HAAALP!]

I will also be posting my most favorite-amazing-awesomesauce-pizza-dough-recipe-EVER soon!

So life really is moving fast.  + I’m holding on.

But I know that my own strength isn’t it: I won’t be able to keep holding on, but He is holding me.

How is He holding you today?  How are you dressing yourself in His love?


learning.  trying.  failing.  + receiving His grace abundantly,



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