Hey-youuuuu-gu-uys! I don’t think I’m allowed to say y’all, since I’m writing this post from Wisconsin.

Well, or somewhere in the vast land that is North Dakota or Minnesota or Montana.  I’m not really sure where I will be come Friday morning.


So yes, I wrote hey-you-guys + anyway in the most sing-songy voice possible.

Please imagine that with me.  Or even better: sing out loud as you read it.

I’ll wait, feel free to go back + read it again. 

Harlow + I have been enjoying in heaven being at my parents’ home.  She has even been spoiling me by sleeping in about 3 hour later than normal.  Yes.  3 hours.  No.  I’m not kidding.  + Yes.  I will be purchasing blackout curtains immediately now that I know it is humanly possible for her to sleep past 6am!  Ah! Glorious bliss!

Remember! Link up with your summer Friday post!  Really? Not many rules.  Just a post that is photo heavy.  Not a lot of talk.  + summer.  Summer.  SUMMER!

Today we are finally joined by Andy/daddy.  We. Have. Missed. Him.

Can’t wait to see photos of your summer so far!  Link up!




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