Well, it’s Friday again!

Y’all??  IT RAINED.

No, I still haven’t turned off my air conditioner, and I’m just waiting for the day that the humidity drops, so that I can open the windows!  Harlow + I both get a bit stir crazy when it feels like winter….only opposite.  Y’know: too hot to go outside instead of too cold.

Welp! Could be worse!

Can’t wait to see all y’all’s Summer Friday posts!!  I love seeing the photos + hearing about what you’re doing!

So. Confession time.  When it comes to hobbies, sometimes I wish I didn’t have any….

Hear me out.

I know I can’t be the only one.  Well, I know my sisters are similar, but I’m confident it’s not just a family thing.

I have a tendency to um… become obsessed.  And then I get bored.  And I go back to another hobby or I try something new.

I think it drives my husband nuts.  But I also think it’s one of the things he loves about me.  Right babe?

Well, another fun fact about me [ooh! we could play 2 truths + a lie! Just kidding.] is that I could never make things if I wasn’t able to have a little bit of creative freedom.

Simply put: I can’t do repetitive.  I need new.  I need creative freedom.

And sometimes? I love what I create more than others.  These new baby slippers? Well.  They fall into that “more” category.

I mean.  Really.

I love them.  But I can’t share the name of them, well, because…she’s not here yet!  And her name hasn’t been revealed!

Oh.  What’s that you say? You’d like a close up.  Sure.

And her little headband to match.

+ her little ensemble! Wish I could share the rest … but I can’t just yet!  I’m busting my rear to get everything else finished + in the mail!

We also went to a great playdate this week at the beautiful Chapman home!  Izzy hosted + while we were hoping to take advantage of their incredible back yard….the 90 degree + crazy humidity brought the party inside.

I’m learning that my daughter has a slight obsession with shoes.  She takes after her Aunt Kaitlyn.


Some of my favorite mom + kids were there! And some new friends were made too!

This summer is flying by WAY too quickly.

I know.  I keep saying that.  But it’s true!  Happy Friday!

Psst! Week 2 of She Shares is up over at She Reads Truth!  Head on over!


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