Harlow slept in a little this morning.
She knows her mama needs some sleep. 

The house is quiet as she naps, but I hear Mozart playing from one floor up.  It reminds me of the years I would fall asleep listening to Suzuki cassette tapes: will they lull you to sleep in a few years too, baby girl?  Will you love music like your mama does?

Today was warm–almost hot–but I was told it’s supposed to be 50 degrees colder very soon.  I don’t do well with Pittsburgh winters, so the praying begins now.

Harlow + I had lunch with this girl.  She is incredibly talented and  has a beautiful heart.  In just a short time, I left feeling inspired + encouraged.
[I’m also anxiously awaiting the arrival of their new pup: a newfoundland.]

My coffee is cold, and I need to go heat it up.  One sec.
Back.  Coffee is hot.

I’m sitting at my kitchen table, but I’m facing a blank, unpainted wall–well, I guess it’s painted, just painted white.  I really should face the other direction, so I can see my collage wall.
It is much more enjoyable to look at.
And I still want to share the details of that wall with you soon.  It makes me smile each time I pass it, and I’ve been caught staring at it on occasion.

Ouch.  Coffee is on the verge of boiling.  Oops.

My to-do list is long, and I’m learning how to be productive–yet still somehow rest–in harmony.
That being said, I’m about to go tackle that list.  Including one line item of refinishing the midcentury desk I thrifted that currently sits in our basement.
[Andy will be so thankful when the dining room table isn’t my desk.  I will be too.]

My brain has been moving quickly for the past week or so: new ideas, new thoughts, new everything.
I’ve been singing more and playing piano more.  Now I need to remove the dust on my guitar.  

Lately I’ve been caught in a juxtaposition of inspiration and regret.  I’ll explain it more when I understand it more.  I’m still trying to figure it out.

I’m not a big fan of buzz words, but I have one right now.


 I’m not sure how long this current season will last, and I truly believe there many occurring all at once.  Some will last for sometime, while others end quickly and new seasons begin.  It’s like living in Minnesota, New Zealand, Italy, and Brazil: all at once.

When I think about these seasons, I want to make the most of them all.  I don’t want a season to pass without learning and changing and growing, but I don’t know if that’s possible
or if that is always the purpose.

And maybe I’ve got it all wrong.  But today, I just needed to sit.  and write.  and drink my coffee through a straw.

Many of you have commented on the belt that I wore during the Influence Conference.
I call it my Grandma Chic Belt.  Because admit it: it sort of looks like a vintage couch.
An amazing vintage couch.

The belt is designed and made by artisan women in South America.  And because of Threads of Hope, these women are able to provide for their families.

The great news for my Pittsburgh people: you can purchase beautiful Threads of Hope products at St. Stephen’s church Saturday evening + Sunday morning.



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