I’m a things friend.

Let me explain:

I love having an object–something unique–to represent or remind me of a specific person.  A necklace, that when worn, I remember to think and pray for the friend represented by that necklace.

Make sense?

I know it sounds silly–and well, it is–but for me? It works.
full disclosure: I’m sure sometimes I’ve justified a purchase for this very reason, but… well still.
I stand by it.

Most recently, I purchased this incredible sweater along with my twin–miles separate us, so when I wear this sweater, it reminds me to pray for her or send her a text to check in.

I sent a mug home with this girl after the Influence Conference–so every morning, I pray for her as I take my first sip of coffee.
Through a straw, butofcourse.

I still have a slip of paper with some words on one side and a magnet on the other that sits inside my jewelry box–a special keepsake that goes years back.  A keepsake that reminds me to pray.

My latest favorite has been these statement necklaces: they are kind of like those best friend heart necklaces we used to have, but for adults.
Or something like that. :o]

I now have a few various colors and styles–and even if I don’t have a matching one with a friend, these necklaces have been named.  So when that necklace goes on–I say a prayer.

When I glance in the mirror and see it? I think about them again.

I know.
I told y’all I was crazy. 

When one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met happened to sell some of the most fun statement jewelry: I was pretty excited to purchase a few items from her.  When I also learned that purchases from her teardrop collection donate a portion to My Life Speaks: I started buying and naming necklaces left and right.

I’m not kidding.

So excited to be featuring photos from the lovely Rachel Rowland!
[Photos by Rachel Rowland Photography]
Want to purchase some statement necklaces like mine?  Carrie is running some amazing promotions over the next few days!  {Update: these promotions are available and claimed through her Facebook page! Let me know if you have any problems!}
Currently: Teardrop necklaces [available in 5 colors] are only $9.99  Yes.  You read that correctly! Go! Ska-daddle! Run! hurry!
Today: Bib necklaces are on sale!
November 19: Bubble necklaces on sale for $9.99  Yes.  You read that correctly too!

Anyone else do crazy stuff like I do? Name necklaces? Buy matching things?
Okay.  Just me?  #sorrynotsorry



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