This past weekend we enjoyed temperatures in the 60s and sun, sun, sun.

Days like these days make me want to pause time.  Slow down.  And store it up for when winter hits.
Like some sort of hibernation? But a storehouse of sun and warm weather.

Can someone make that happen?

I mentioned last week about our small steps to taking a day to simply rest.  Are you wondering how we did?  Well, while Harlow napped yesterday afternoon, Andy snored slept next to me as I knit and watched last week’s Parenthood.
oy vey that show makes me weep.

I’m starting to understand why we’re told to rest.  Why we need it.

(I know Andy is smiling as he reads this: he’s constantly begging me to just take some time to rest.  You win, babe!)

It was overdue.  It was needed.
And it will be happening again next Sunday…and the next.  And the next.

brunch with my little love bug // prints available soon!
Also note: HEADBAND!!!  It’s a Sunday miracle, folks!

Harlow makes new friends wherever we go.  I pray that it is something about her that never goes away.
She truly brings joy to those around her–something she gets only from Him.

Striped pajamas.  Winnie the Pooh.  Daddy snuggles.

A perfect end to a perfect weekend. 

How was your weekend?


Did you see the fun announcement I made yesterday?  Yikes! I’m still so excited!



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