This post is a little out of the ordinary, but hopefully it’ll help some of you out quite a bit!
Either that or I’ve been hiding under a rock and what I’m about to share is old news.

I’m pretty out of the loop sometimes, so that wouldn’t totally surprise me.

But I have this awesome sister who happens to also be an awesome graphic designer.

She also happens to keep me hip, sends me screen shots of typos, and lets me know when I’ve totally over-edited a photo.
See? I told you she’s awesome.

She also tries to keep me in the loop on trends happening in the design world: usually everything she emails me goes right over my head.

That was until she sent me a link to GuideGuide.



This is it.  I used to struggle for hours trying to put together photo collages in photoshop.


But GuideGuide just becomes part of photoshop, allowing you to choose the number of columns and rows and how thick the margin is between them.  Just type in the numbers, click a button, and the guidelines appear.

I know, right?

[I know I’m isolating photoshop users, I’m sorry!  I’m still trying to see if there is a freeware similar to GuideGuide for other photoediting software. If you know about one, let me know!  GuideGuide also has no idea who I am, even though they’ve changed my life.]



I know it might seem like a long process, but I promise it is super quick and easy once you get going!

Hope this helps!
And again — I could be totally clueless, outdated, and all-1995 with this tutorial, so just, be nice if that’s the case. :)



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