I like to think of our little neighborhood as Mayberry.
If you came to visit, you’d find out pretty quickly that it’s not.

But if you give it a chance, you’ll soon see what I’m talking about.

We have family dinners with our next door neighbor.

We walk to the post office, the dentist, the pediatrician, and even the midwife center where Harlow was born.

We buy groceries for one another, we babysit.
Some of my neighbors even bring milk by when I’m all out and
need to eat some Candy Cane Joe Joe’s. 

This is my Mayberry.

We take our dogs to the park.

We even go feed the ducks.

We walk to the playground for playdates and picnics.

This is my Mayberry.

Strangers say hello, even open doors.

Kids at the library ask me to teach them how to use chopsticks.
Apparently I look like a pro.

This is my Mayberry.

On the surface, it might be far from it.  But at the heart of it–behind the boarded up doors and windows and history and tarnish waiting to be set free–it is.

It’s messy, and it’s beautiful.

It’s perfect.

 Harlow Style // headband | Lou and Lee // vest | thrifted, Old Navy // jeans | gift, Joe’s Jeans // shoes | Toms

{I cried again yesterday, but these were happy tears as you all shared your heart and fears and dreams with me.  Thank you for your emails, texts, comments and phone calls.  Your encouragement and prayers are overwhelming–I feel very undeserving.}

I’m smiling real smiles today.

hugging you all!


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