

Define it.
Ready? Go.

Did we all end up with the same definition?
There is a very good chance we did not.

I often find myself going to the dictionary when asked to write about something or a word I’ve heard many times in my life.

Grace is one of those words for me.

{I’m also that kid who would type in “2 + 2” on her calculator during a math test.}
Y’know, just in case it changed or something.

When I read through the definitions of grace, there is one that really stuck.

Care to follow along as I share how my brain processed this result?

I sat down to write about God grace.  The grace that He pours out on us when we don’t deserve it.  When we haven’t change our ways and when we continue in the same, old, pattern.

That grace.

But then I read this definition of the word grace:

Do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence.

Hm.  This definition isn’t new, but put in the context of His grace–it felt new to me.

 He does grace us with His presence.  And often, it’s in conjunction with the grace we don’t deserve.

And He honors us with His presence when we deserve the exact opposite, yet He chooses and continues to choose grace.

He shows up.
He’s here with us.
Pouring grace out on us as He graces us with His presence.

It put a whole new spin on the word for me.


So how does that impact or change me?  I think “interesting” is fine and dandy–but not doing anything with it is a shame.

I want to be quick to forgive–quick to give grace–allowing my presence to be a symbol of that.  Not that heads turn when I walk into a room or anything of the sort.  But that His presence would turn heads.  His grace would overflow.

I’m thinking on these things today–in my marriage, with my daughter, interactions with friends and loved ones.

How am I tangibly showing grace?  Not just clanging the grace cymbal to put on a good face–but the kind that is shown in word and action.

That grace.

{charcoal prints available soon}


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