
Winters and I don’t get along very well.
I have always lived where winter equals cold.

Kacia + cold = not a happy Kacia.

This year, I told myself it would be different–we are in a new house, more space…all of that.
Yet somehow, the gloom has reappeared. 

I think it’s partly just being ready for spring and bare feet mixed with the extreme cold temperatures and no sun.

Any tips? I’m going to start planning out our week with more activities–but all this sickness has me paranoid, I admit.
I’d love to hear any suggestions you might have!

Anyone else deal with the when-is-winter-over-blues?


My dear friend snapped these photos a few months back, and I can’t believe I haven’t shared them yet.
Harlow’s joy is contagious.

It is currently 12°F here in Pittsburgh, so these photos help me keep things in perspective a bit.
Spring is coming….spring is coming….spring is coming.


Until then, we will bundle up in sweaters–I can’t wait to share a few of my favorites with you soon!–and snuggle to stay warm.
There is good to be found even in the coldest of temperatures, I am sure of it.


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This sweater is a BB Dakota sweater I received in a fix from .  I had a few similar in my post yesterday–I also have one on my Wish List page!


choosing optimism until Spring knocks on my front door.
yes, I will be anxiously waiting.



I am so proud of Rachel, as she was named one of the Knot’s Best Wedding Photographers for 2013! She is also returning from an incredible trip to Rwanda, and I will definitely be asking her to share some of her adventures in this space.


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