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I’m what you could call a Scandinavian mutt.
I grew up knowing that I was 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 English, 1/8 Danish, and 1/8 Swedish.

That’s something everyone learns after their name, right?

I took a lot of pride in those percentages–I still do.

And even though my mom isn’t Norwegian at all, she knits the most absolutely gorgeous Norwegian sweaters.
She’s probably turning red as she reads this–she’s super humble and extremely talented.

Back when I was in high school–and still had the ability to focus on a project longer than a day–I decided I wanted to knit a Norwegian sweater.
But my mother, being the genius she is, told me that I needed to knit a toddler sweater before attempting an adult size.

Harlow picked it out to wear.

Sure, it’s blue and black.
Not exactly the most feminine.

Sure, it was too big.
I had to roll up the sleeves 3 times.

But I couldn’t stop smiling.

Did I think about my son or daughter that would someday wear it?
Did I wonder what life would be like with a child? with children?

I know for sure that I didn’t realize I would get a little emotional as she walked down the stairs.



For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14


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