
As you may or may not know, I celebrated a birthday last friday!
I’m getting old.


Andy snuck out of bed early to make me breakfast and bring up coffee before he left for work.
It was the perfect way to start my day.


Harlow and I enjoyed a play date with my friend Ashley and her daughter “jzo-jzo,” as Harlow says.
It was truly a perfect morning–Harlow even slept in until 9:30!


Harlow and I walked to our neighbor’s house, so she could play with their newfoundland pupster, Maeby.
While she had a hay-day, this mama had an early birthday gift of my first blowout.


Andy was very concerned that people would confuse a diaper-blowout with the type of blowout I paid for, so I’ll clarify: I had my hair done.
{And more on that fun later!}

After Andy got home from work, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, had an amazing dinner.
Although if I’m honest, McDonalds would have been amazing–food tastes great hot and without having to feed a toddler and keep her wrangled in her highchair.  We love family dinner dates–but this girl loves dates with her man, too.

After dinner, we went to Les Miserables.
I was one happy girl. 

I kind of have a mega crush on Les Miserables.

After seeing it performed on various stages and reading the novel over…and over.

It is one of my favorite stories of redemption and grace and love.


As we left the theatre, I grabbed Andy’s arm and said,

I think I know what I want for my next tattoo.

He looked at me a bit confused, and I answered:

to love another person is to see the face of God.

I have thought about that phrase daily after we left that theatre on Friday night.

So simple.

I truly believe that love is one of the ways we were created in the image of God–and when we use that love, when we allow it to overflow, and we don’t hold back?

We see glimpses of Him.


Over the past 7 days, you all have loved.
I have seen God work through each of you.

From five dollars to fifty.
From prayers to donations.

Over the past 7 days, 

You all did that.

I don’t believe we’re supposed to hoard our love for the right moment, nor do I think that it’ll come.

God just tells us to love.
The orphaned.  The widowed.   The poor.  The needy.

Not when you feel like it or when people love you back.

All the time.


I was blessed to have parents who didn’t just tell me from an early age to love–they showed it to my sisters and I.

They opened their home.
They gave of their time and resources.
And they haven’t stopped.


to love another person is to see the face of God.

I want to challenge all of us today: what can we do to love someone today?
A coworker? A neighbor? The car behind you at Starbucks? The person you pass walking to work?  

Big. Small.  It doesn’t matter.
For the rest of this month let’s turn heads, shall we?  Let people wonder why?

more details here!

You’ve funded adoptions for 5 children: today let’s fund a sixth.

thank you for the blessing you are to me.  Yes you.

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