
Last week Harlow and I went to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History!  My friend Angela and 2/5 of her kid-clan met us there, and we had an absolute blast!
Someone, please hold me while I cry.  Harlow is not a little baby anymore.
I cannot believe how quickly she’s grown!

We played with little bugs, explored the dinosaur bones, and explored dark caves.
Micah, or “meme” as Harlow calls him, even showed us petrified dung.

somewhat related: I will not know what to do with boys if I have any.  

IMG_9093 bugs dinos-and-toms IMG_9019 IMG_9015 IMG_9030IMG_8926

 on Harlow // headband | Target {} // scarf | Coconut Robot // shirt | WearLove // jeggings | Target {} // shoes |

We definitely loved the Carnegie Museum of Natural History–it’ll be one we return to regularly for sure!
It would also make a great date activity, for any Pittsburgh friends.  It’ll definitely be going on the date list for Andy and I.

What museums and activities do you plan for your kids?
{remember my goal?  I’m working on getting out of the house, and I would love to hear your ideas!}



don’t forget about the challenge!  Every dollar helps.




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