Given that it’s award season and all…I decided a round up of the best and worst dry shampoo products was in order.

Also given the fact that I was sporting {at least} 2-day hair for our Christmas card photo this year–I thought it was only fitting that I share a few favorites!


If you’re new to this dry shampoo phenomenon,  you might be asking yourself:
How is this magic possible?”
The answer is dry shampoo, of course.  Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how it works.

I don’t know about you, but my need for dry shampoo has evolved over the years.
Let me back up.

Before college, I was a wash-my-hair-daily girl.
I honestly didn’t think there was another option.

I went off to college, began rolling out of bed for 8am classes, and experienced Indiana winters requiring a sweatpants-throughout-January-term dress code.

I also stopped washing my hair every day.

I often wore a hat or threw on a headband.  I hadn’t washed my hair, and I definitely wasn’t feeling very pretty.

Then along came the baby powder trick.  Having really blonde hair, my hair shows even the tiniest amounts of oil–hence my need to wash it every day.  I loved how easy it was to sprinkle the powder at my roots and voila! Happy hair.

The problem was that sometimes my hear looked like I had white roots….or at least a ghostly scalp.
Not awesome.

Next up was my discovery of dry shampoo.

I like to think of it as magic.
I remember spotting an aerosol can of pssssst! sitting by the sink of a friend’s bathroom–but I was too embarrassed to ask what on earth dry shampoo was or how it was used?

{I probably had some image of trying to lather a spray shampoo onto my dry hair…oy vey.}

I digress.

But in all seriousness, dry shampoos are products made to be used without water, using powders and other ingredients to soak up the oil in your hair.
They are really just genius in a can.  

I’ve learned to love second day hair–and even third day hair, but who’s counting–so much so, that dry shampoo is a staple in my home.  I’ve tried a few, but I’m always looking for something new.
Yes, I am one of those people completely fooled by clever marketing, containers and pretty fonts.

I’ve asked around and tried quite a few different brands and types and products myself, so that I could present to you…

the dry shampoo round up.
just think of it as a little award ceremony for these special little cans of genius.

Roll out the red carpet and let’s begin!


Ready? Ready.

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Typically found at under $3 at most drugstores, this dry shampoo is very affordable and last a while.  It does tend to leave a white residue if you spray too close, but you can’t beat the price!

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Friends of mine rave about this combination–boasting that they get the best “second day hair volume” from these 2 products.  The size of the spray is also perfect for your purse or laptop bag.

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I couldn’t conduct awards for dry shampoo–or any beauty product, really–without consulting my go-to expert.  This product is her favorite because it doesn’t leave too much “stuff” behind, like so many other products tend to do.

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I’ve always wondered how dry shampoo and dark hair worked–if I get frustrated with the residue it leaves behind, well, my hair is a lot closer to white than a brunette!  So I asked some brunette friends what their picks were, and Eufora Touch up won hands down.  While it’s available in 3 different shades, I’ve heard the best results come from “Clear.”


>> Tried & True || Pssssst! Dry Shampoo <<

Besides being the first dry shampoo to make me curious about this phenomenon, I also read in a magazine years ago that it was “the best.”  The price is great, usually under $5, but I do struggle finding it sometimes!  I find that this shampoo is one of the best for absorbing the oil at my roots, without using {what feels like} the entire can.  If I spot a can at the drugstore–I purchase one.  I mean, it’s called Pssssst! And I think that’s awesome.

BUmbleBumble >> the Splurge with Rave Reviews || Bumble and Bumble <<

Available in both a spray and powder, the price of this dry shampoo ranges from around $20-$35.  Reviewers either love it or hate it, as it has less of a drying texture, but is more praised for the available color versatility.  The white powder gets the best reviews, but if used correctly, the darker colors are loved by friends that found other dry shampoos leave too much of a chalky residue.

 >> Best Powder Dry Shampoo | bigsexyhair powder play <<

 The common word I heard every time someone recommended this product was volume!  As the name suggests, the volume–and oil absorbing properties–make this a winner.  This product is a powder that you sprinkle at your roots–it also helps with backcombing, providing texture and grab.

So tell me–did your shampoo make my list?  I know there are so many others out there that I didn’t mention!


…and so many more!

I’d love to hear your favorites as well!


pssst! I also wanted to let you know about ShopBop’s huge sale going on right now!  This is the time of the year when my wishlist might become a little more attainable.  So if you’re need something for a special occasion and are planning on splurging {or you’re eyeing a new pair of Tory Burch flats..}– now is a good time!


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