

This weekend was full.  It was tiresome.  It was busy.  It also consisted of a sick husband and toddler much of Saturday and Sunday.  I ran around to the various commitments we had on Saturday–while they snuggled and rested at home.

I don’t want to be sick, but I’m a little bit jealous.

On Saturday I had the privilege of hearing a speak to a gathering of mothers–she did such an incredible job.  I was challenged and encouraged by her words.  She challenged us to look at the “should haves” and “should be doings” in our lives.  Not as an excuse to forego difficult commitments or seasons, but  as a reminder that we are not measured by these things.

I’ve written rambled about the shift I still struggle with–so many shoulds I pile upon myself.

…from the corporate world to a cute, little boss who doesn’t even use complete sentences yet.
…from my assumptions about what every person is thinking of me as my child screams in Target, not getting her way.
…from the clutter I wish would go away, the floor that should always be cleaner.
…from the fear that is paralyzing as I realize time and again how far I have to go to be the wife and mother I dream of being.

I could go on.

I know these things won’t just go away, and science has to come a long way before I can snap my fingers and my robotic house cleans itself.  But I also know that my God isn’t one of shame.  He isn’t one of guilt and should haves and missed chances.

He is one of new mornings, new hours, new minutes–new beginnings as often as you need them.
This girl needs them often–including today.




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