
Something about the way that she loves each and every person she meets challenges me.

The way she doesn’t care about all of the outward appearances that often make me pause.

There is something about her joy and zeal and happiness that radiates from her little being.

She lights up our home with squeals of laughter and delight.
Each day a new adventure.  New ideas.  New creations.

She is perfect.

I am so sensitive to the words said to her.
Don’t put her in a box.
Don’t give her a title.

I don’t want to be that mom–the mom choosing to see through rose glasses, “my perfect children.”
Shielding them from consequences.  Hiding the real world from them.

Each day.  Each day I just open my hand that holds her just a tiny big more.
It’s scary.  Pause time, please.

But I want to cultivate that joy.

I want to encourage her creativity and passion.

I do want to tell her to dream and run and fly.

I don’t want her to ever give up on those gifts God has given her.
He’s not giving up on her.  I can’t believe He hasn’t given up on me.

She is my teacher.
She shows me glimpses of how He loves.

Just by being her.

I love her.

IMG_4634 IMG_4638 IMG_4592
on Harlow // hat | Coconut Robot {available soon!} // scarf | Coconut Robot // sweater | MorMor // skirt | thrifted, no tags // tights | Janie and Jack // shoes | RileyRoos



I wish I could reach through my computer screen to hug each and every one of you.  If you follow me on the twitter or facebook, you’ll see that I am simply in awe of the way that you responded to the challenge I signed us all up for last week.  Please leave a comment or email me if you have questions about how works!  It is almost so simple–it’s complicated!

You.  Yes, YOU have already changed the future for three children in Ethiopia: Kidmu, Mimo and Ruth.  We still have 5 more children to fund!  

Pure Charity


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