IMG_5297  Last weekend was a bit of a whirlwind!  We enjoyed a quiet Friday evening–I think we did at least…I honestly can’t remember now.  Mom brain is totally a legit thing.  For realsies.  On Saturday morning Andy and Harlow went to swimming lessons while I cleaned.

Clearly Andy won that day.

We used the rest of the day to work on small projects around the house, then packed the car for a short road-trip!  But before we made our way out of town, we took Andy to a candy store the Tech Shop preview.  But I think in his book, that type of event is right up there with heaven and candy stores.

We had a great time at the event, Andy talked with a lot of people about things that I don’t really understand, but it makes him smile and that makes me so happy.  I am so proud of the work he does, how he uses his talents, and what an encouragement he is to each and every person he meets. Sorry, he’s all mine.

Harlow flirted with anyone giving her attention, played peek-a-boo with her reflection, and ate a lot of pizza.

I took the obligatory bathroom shot.
I was a bit elated about how my hair had turned out.  Just being honest.

We left Pittsburgh and made it to Maryland around 1am…I shared a bed with a toddler, and well…I didn’t get a lot of sleep.  But we had a fabulous Sunday: fabulous food, a lot of laughter, and an overly tired toddler fearlessly loving on Wyler and the other pups.


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Harlow was having too much fun to take a nap, so a movie and snuggles with her Granpop were the perfect replacement.


Now excuse me while I go put on another layer of wool socks, long underwear and a sweater.  Apparently this girl said goodbye to winter, but I don’t think we will be for a while!
Seriously.  So cold!

Happy Thursday, friends!  Don’t forget the amazing giveaway going on! {It ends tomorrow!}

I have no excuse for this rambly and random post.  Thanks for hanging in there with me! xo. kaciasignature


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