
Yesterday was monumental.

Harlow has been fascinated with hair lately–she loves to brush her daddy’s hair, she’ll drap my hair over her head, or she’ll pretend to style mine.
Besides the fact that it quite often hurts, it’s pretty darn cute.

Well yesterday?  Yesterday, Harlow had me put her hair in a sweet little pony tail.

I wasn’t sure when I was supposed to document the occasion.
When we have the ponytail even though it looks goofy? Or wait until it’s more legit?

Well, thanks to so many of you: I learned that I can count yesterday as a monumental occasion.
So I of course needed to document it here as well.



I also texted all family with this joyous news–knowing it would probably bring up fond memories of a time when I wore a similar style.

Part of me wishes I could find and post the actual video–but it is probably way more embarrassing than I even remember!

As the story goes, my mom put one, lone sponge roller in a small pony tail atop my head.
See Exhibit A below.

This sweet curler stayed there all night, ready to be taken out for church the next morning.

Now this is the point at which the cameras begin rolling.

My sweet little two year old self held a mirror while my mom carefully took out my little roller.
You totally used those as a kid too, right?

My excitement faded as I saw it.

“I don’t like it!”

I whined over. and over.

Let it be known that I was a bit of a  *cough cough* drama queen *cough* in those days.
I’ve matured a lot since then.

So through the laughing–not me, but my parents, of course–I think my mom finally convinced me that it looked cute, and I left it alone.
I then went on to insist on putting on my dress all by myself only to put it on backwards and get even more frustrated. 

I wasn’t laughing then–but looking back: so funny.

Annnnnnnd then I found 5 dollars. 

{not the best story I’ve ever told…sorry!}



Looking through old photos, I couldn’t resist! Look at my killer kitchen!
Harlow’s pales in comparison.





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