Last weekend we hosted my family for Easter.  Every bedroom was full, there was laughter and noise.

It was good.

Andy and I were laying in bed the other night, I’m sure in between one of my coughing fits {so ready to be feeling better!} and even though we were exhausted, we both agreed that the weekend had been so good.

I told him that I find myself charged and full as a wife and mom–encouraged by the way my family functions, the way love seems to be overflowing, and most of all, the example my parents have set for my sisters and me, and now, our families.

Functional and healthy were the two words that continued to resonate.

I had a friend tell me once that noticed how intentionally my parents took parenting.  They sought advice, read books–never settling with complete knowledge, but always seeking, praying and striving to lead us first and foremost to Him.

My parents aren’t perfect, my family isn’t either, but lead us to Him?  They’ve done that well.

And in seeing how real their faith is–not a faith that goes away once children are grown and out of the house–but a faith that pours into other young families and people, a faith that gives without expecting anything in return, a faith that is more than words.

This past Easter to me was more than a time with family.  It was a chance for me to tangibly see what His death and resurrection did for me, for us–for my family.  Because of His sacrifice, there is forgiveness and grace.  There is hope.

So amidst the bustling in the kitchen before and after meals, the dishwasher that was running non-stop, the laughter, the dancing, the drumming and card-playing, this weekend was so much more to me and my little family.

It was a reminder that each day is a choice to choose selfless love or selfish love.  It was a reminder that God is a God of blessing–He is still a good God when the blessings seem nonexistent.  It was a reminder that self discipline and seeking Him every day isn’t something that will just happen, it’s a diligent choice to put Him first.

It was a reminder that He is good.  So good.


What did you learn this Easter?



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