Can you spot the ‘tots?

I’ve shared a bit about our choice to live in the city of Pittsburgh.  There are days I wish I had 3 acres out back and no neighbor in sight.  There are times–like this past week–that I wish I had enough room for a pool in my backyard.  No, not a kiddie pool… a real, real pool.  With more than 6 inches of cold water…

Oh wow.  I digress.  It’s just been so silly-hot!  But that is another post for another time.

There might be days that I long for more space or land, but the fact is that every day I am thankful for where we live.  We call it our Mayberry, and Harlow and I love nothing more than leaving the car out back as we load up the stroller for an adventure.

I love having easy to pack items for these outings, and has become our absolute favorite products.  I love everything OXO for my kitchen, so I wasn’t surprised when these new products won my vote.

(Before I go any further, I received these as a preview of the new line.  I currently have 3 of , and ordered and waiting for them to arrive at my front door.  I will be using them for years to come and giving them as gifts as well.<– Sorry! You’ve been warned!)

So let me tell you a little bit more about them!


This is hands down the best I’ve ever seen.  There are two features specifically that are spot on: the twist-on top and the spill proof top.  The clear, snap-on top allows me to put this in a diaper bag, stroller bag or purse and not worry about goldfish taking a dive…

Win. Win. Win.

The Handy Stroller Hook  and On the Go Wipes were a few of the items that we were able to preview!  They are not yet available, but I will be buying them as gifts when they are!  I love the durability of the wipes holder and the versatility of the stroller hook!


I am always that mom that forgets something.  I’m probably not alone, but I always need something when I don’t have it.  This On the Go Spoon comes with a carrying case that makes keeping it on hand a cinch!  I’ve ordered a few more to carry in my purse, stroller and keep in the car!  These OXO folks are incredible, I tell you.

The design of the OXO Tot Roll Up Bib is extremely light weight compared to others like it that we’ve tried.  Harlow’s even sporting it as she chases the geese with a water gun–definitely not my gig.  Geese freak me out!  Kids.


There are additional available for littler babies and tots as well!  I’ll be using with our next kiddo for sure!

And now the fun stuff!

OXO Tot wants to give away an  And well, Harlow wanted to show y’all how much she loves her new snack cup, so you would run over and enter to win one yourself!  Or, if you’re impatient like me, go order one too!  I know I will be!



sponsored by OXO.  All opinions are my own.



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