
A few weeks ago we made a 650 mile trek up to New Hampshire for vacation with Andy’s family.  This Wisconsin girl had ever only gone as far as New York, so I was working on my New England accent the entire drive there.  (I kid, I kid.)

I had lofty plans of relaxation and productivity.  I know.  Those two things don’t typically go together… but I have a hard time slowing down.  It’s something we are still working on as a family.

I brought my computer, I loaded up my external hard drive.  We drove.  We drove.  And we drove.  And after just another  stretch of driving, we arrived at our condo in Ashland….

Searching…. No service… Call Failed.  

It was very clear that my “plan” would be changing and this week will be full of the former and not the latter.

God knew exactly what this wife/mama/lady/gal needed.
So relaxing, we did plenty of.

I had the chance to meet some of Andy’s family for the first time (*waves hello!*) and spend time with his sis, her husband, their niece, and Andy’s parents.  We played some of my favorite games, cooked some great meals and spent a lot of time in the sun and in the water.

We also ate a lot of ice cream. 

My list has more unchecked boxes than I’d like, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

Dear Ashland, 

Don’t ever put in more cell towers.

Love, this Mama

I can’t wait to share more about our vacation, but I couldn’t wait to share these photos!  Do you see?  Harlow has more than 20 hairs!  She has curls! Enough for BOWS!  (Which, I must add, are requested when she wants “pwincess hair.” #whybutofcourse) 

psssst! These bows are seriously the best.





I’m an AUNT!!!!!  


Run, hurry, Go!

And meet my most adorable niece, Kadley Avryelle!  I get to meet her in just a few short (but feels like eternity…) weeks!



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