I had lofty plans of getting so much accomplished this week after vacation.

Well, I haven’t checked off even half of them.  I should know by now that coming home from vacation is hard for me.  I miss my family like crazy and unpacking, doing laundry, putting things away, and getting back to the daily grind is a huge reminder of just how far away we are from them.

I would pay a lot of money for instant transportation from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin — I’ll gladly even drive a few hours!

I’ve received some great advice on dealing with the post-vacation-blues–what I’m calling this funk–including doing laundry while on vacation, which I think is genius.  Something about chores away from home feels less daunting.  I also think just never coming home from vacation is an awesome plan, but then I came down from the clouds of dreamland. :)

So while I maybe haven’t accomplished a ton on my to-do list, we’ve made up for it in hours of snuggling, baking, watching movies, and coloring.  All of those things remind me that blue is a happy color and vacation continues if I want it to, once we return home.  

It’s where I let my heart find contentment. 


There is a little nugget of joy we miss terribly.  Harlow talks about her daily and now many of her baby dolls bear her name.

Sweet cousin Kadley, of course.


I’m thinking Harlow needs to start showing more emotion, yeah? :)

Excited to share some projects and updates soon!  But today Harlow and I are declaring rainy movie day with a side of laundry folding. <– it’s gotta got done.  oy.






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