
It’s been cold.

Really cold. 

We arrived back to Pittsburgh from Minnesota and Wisconsin, only to find that the chilling temperatures had followed us here.  brrrrr.  Some serious brrrr business happening here.

I love puffy down coats, they definitely have their time and place, but my ideal coat is thin, super warm, and also flattering.  You know, one that doesn’t make you look like a winter marshmallow.  :)

Enter Joules. 

I’m so happy to have found this company and these clothes!  I found myself wanting to add just about everything to my wishlist.  Everything. 

But I whittled it down to a few things instead — my favorites?  These matching coats.

What amazes me about these coats — and the sweet little dress you see peeking out from under Harlow’s coat — is the attention to detail.  Both coats have the most beautiful lining — mine equestrian, Harlow’s is bright pink with duckies.  My favorite most favorite detail is the fox button found at the collar of my coat…and the leather lining of the collar….and the sleeve details….and oh, well, all of it.

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So here is the deal — they have a KILLER sale going on right now!  Please know that after I hit publish, I will be perusing this sale as well!  Perfect way to use some of the money you may have received over the holidays!

And because I love you, and I love Joules — I asked them to give you all a little extra something.  So use BLCR for 20% any full price items you fall in love with as well!  {Coupon expires 2/1/2014}


And because I love to embarrass myself, I just had to include a few outtakes.  Andy isn’t typically home when we do our photos, but he was this time.  So of course Rachel caught the moment he picked something out of my teeth…and after he told me I had a cute rear end.   I know.  I know.  We are dorks.  

pepper-in-teethbutt3 coats

So go check out the sale!  And don’t forget the coupon code for anything else!  {BLCR}  I would use my coupon on these, these, this, this, this and this.  Just sayin.  And no, those aren’t affiliate links. :)

Now back to snuggling under a huge blanket on the couch….baby, it’s cold outside.  Eeks.


after post

These photos were all taken by the incredibly talented Rachel.  Go check out here latest shoots here!



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