
Buying a sewing machine can be a little bit like buying a car: there are thousands of features that various machines possess.  What’s funny about these features is that some are definitely bells and whistles, but some become what my auto-start for my car has become for me: a necessity.

I wanted to share a few more of my thoughts regarding the Brother Designio DZ3000!

As I’ve said a few times, I’ve been really impressed with this machine.  From doing a great job with the nuts and bolts of sewing, to including fun features that have me hooked, it is a lot of machine for the price.

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1 || Stitch Quality

I am kind of a freak about thread tension.  Correct thread tension should look the same on both sides of your fabric — like your threads are crossing at the fabric.  You can see a great visual explaining the thread tension here.  I’ve often noticed great tension more difficult to find and stay consistent on more inexpensive machines, but the DZ3000 has completely gone against that finding.  I have been so impressed by the ease and consistency I have had in maintaining beautiful thread tension across many fabrics and materials!

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2|| Expand your Sewing Skills

While this machine isn’t the workspace mecca like the DZ1500 is, it’s also not designed for quilting king size quilts.  You honestly could, but it might be a little tight.  What the DZ3000 does provide are features to expand your sewing skills — features that really can take you from beginner to advanced simply by pushing yourself to use all the provided sewing feet and accessories.

I have really begun to love free-motion quilting, and I wasn’t sure if I would be as successful with it given the smaller workspace of the 3000.  But as you saw in this tutorial, I am completely blown away by how quickly I was able to learn and improve my skills.


3|| Experiment with what an Embroidery Machine Offers

While the DZ3000 isn’t an embroidery machine — it is definitely a computerized sewing machine with embroidered font features — it allows you to see what an embroidery machine could bring to your projects and ideas.  I’m the first to admit that I’m not a huge embroiderer, but that is in large part by my lack of skill and knowledge.  I’ve watched embroidery machines work, but I’ve never had one.  Because I’ve never had one or had access to one, I don’t create projects with embroidery in mind.

I love that the 2 fonts included in the DZ3000 computer allow you to begin dabbling in the world of embroidery.  Add that to the 130 sewing stitches, and you begin to see what a full embroidery machine would offer as well.  No, I’m not trying to get you to go buy 5 machines, I promise.  I want you to be aware of the features and benefits of each of these machines!


4|| That Ridiculously Amazing and Awesome Circular Sewing Attachment

It’s not a secret that I am completely smitten with this attachment.  It honestly sounded too good to be true as I read about what it did, but now I want to sew circles for days!  I’m dreaming up circular everything.  I am excited to show you how I take the trapunto circles and continue expanding them with quilting.  Do you need a circle attachment to be able to sew?  No, but kind of like that auto-start on my car, I’m not sure if I’d be happy without the option to have one!  It is really such a fun accessory that I haven’t even scratched the surface of how I can use it!

The attachment comes with additional sewing feet that hold cording and ribbon — add that to sewing circles with some of the decorative stitches the DZ3000 comes with, and you could be sewing circles for days. :)  But you’re not confined to circles, obviously, this machine provides the foundation to do so much!


Don’t believe me?  Read all the reviews for the DZ3000 as well — I’m not the only one singing it’s praises!

Have other questions or want to know what specific features mean or what specific sewing feet are used for?  Leave a comment or send me an email — I’d be happy to help!

Happy Friday!  What are you planning for this weekend?  It’s raining here today — hip hip hooray! — but it is supposed to be sunny and in the 70s this weekend!  I. Cannot. WAIT.



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