Wow! Thank you ALL for all the excitement and joy and love and encouragement and just hands down awesomeness over our little announcement! We really are over the moon, and I am still shocked. Coming from a family of all sisters, I just really thought a Sorority House and Andy would be in the cards for us!
The morning we found out, I was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee reminding myself that there really was a 50% chance that the cake would be blue. “Nah,” I’d think, “there is absolutely no way.”
Part of the video was actually me explaining to our family how we totally thought our ultrasound technician had slipped up by saying sister a few times to Harlow super nonchalantly. Now I want to go back and tell her what a rockstar she is! She completely had us fooled! I honestly hadn’t even planned on sharing the video of us finding out, but finding out at 20 weeks was so different than waiting like we did for Harls, I quickly popped my camera on the tripod and hit record.
Welp. I remembered being shocked, but it wasn’t until I was editing the footage that I realized just how shocked I was! Ha. Hahaha. Annnnnnnnd I wonder sometimes where Harlow gets her drama from — apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh?
I just had a few fun things to share with you all today! Next week is going to be PACKED with stuff — tutorials, projects, new products, Harlow’s Birthday <– someone hold me while I cry about her turning three. I can’t handle it.
Well let’s get to it!
1 || These little gems are hitting the shop next week! Wondering what they are? Oh don’t you worry, I shall share their awesomeness with you soon. Tiny little bits of awesomeness. I promise! They were a genius little idea of my sister’s and as you can see, every member of my family requested some when they were out here a few weeks ago! I know the shop has been looking a little bare, but I really am working behind the scenes to get patterns and kits out to y’all soon! Just need more time in the day….and no need for sleep.
2|| I’m working on a project to share with you next week, and well, I couldn’t stop snapping photos of this sweet little silhouette of Harlow. I know. I’ll wait a minute while you pull yourself together too.
Gorgeous, right?
I’m seriously amazed at all my ScanNCut does and cuts, and I’ll be sharing my tips on successfully cutting wood veneer with you next week! Go ahead and grab your ScanNCut from Amazon, so you can craft along with me! The little mudroom hooks are sure to get you hooked on it. <– see what I did there?
Show you what a dork I am. :)
Pretty gorgeous, eh?
3|| Eeks! Cannot wait to show you what this little sneak peek is! I’m still completely in awe of a few behind the scenes things happening, and I cannot wait to share them all with you!
4|| And last but certainly not least!!
A Brickyard Buffalo Sale!!! I will update with the direct link as soon as it goes live! <– sale is live, y’all!
I know I’ve been a little quiet around here regarding products and the Etsy shop! I’ve been pretty busy designing and working on tutorials — all things I love! I just need more time in the day!
As the Original Custom Leather Pacifier Clip company, we really are proud of the pacifier clips we’ve developed! Looking back on where they started and where they have come, I couldn’t be prouder! I smile — and with pregnancy hormones, often tear up — when I see photos of babies and toddlers using their clips! Sales like this one just mean that more of you get to get your hands on one…or two, or three, or four. :)
I’m excited to share that today we start a flash sale with Brickyard Buffalo! The clips are available in a few colors, etched with the name or text of your choice! These colors and others will be listed on etsy for full price at the close of the Brickyard sale.
And as promised, a new product and my first pattern will be going live in the shop next week as well! HUZZAH! To celebrate we miiiiiiight just need to do a giveaway of sorts. :) More to follow!
Happy Friday, y’all! I’m off to finish about seven million half-finished projects I have around the house. I know. My poor husband!
I’ll be spending my day returning for the Brickyard Buffalo link! Excited about everything coming up!
me toO!! now just to get it all finished! :) :) :) :)
And now I have my pacifier clip ordered!!! Squee!!