
Goodness, it’s been a while since I shared a  with you, and it is because it’s been a while since the mailman has brought one to my door!  It’s not exactly the first I’ve received while pregnant….. remember this one?  Rachel actually thought I maybe looked a little bit too pregnant, so she edited a few to make sure.  I was so paranoid someone would notice if I swapped them out, so I left them the way they were.  

So I’m curious! Did anyone have an inkling after seeing the tops that I kept that maybe it was a little more than bloat or too many donuts for breakfast? 

I am still loving those tops I got in that last fix!  They fit really well, but I’m probably going to retire them somewhat soon — I ruined a few tops when I was pregnant with Harlow.  I guess I thought after being stretched to the max for 3ish months they would go right back to normal…. eh. Maybe not, Kac.  So this time around I’ve packed away some of the tops that I know I want to enjoy wearing in their original state after September rolls around.  I knew if I had them hanging in my closet that I would be tempted to stretch them over this growing bump!

But back to this .  I have a few tips on what I did to best communicate my bump-needs to my stylist!  I have to say: this is one of my absolute favorites to date!  

  1. Go up a size.  This tip was my immediate change to my style profile after receiving my last Fix in March.  Even thought I might have been able to stretch some tops or dress in the current size I’d requested, I knew that length would be a factor.  I’m so happy I went up a size! 
  2. Explain how many weeks you will be.  Are you not really showing, but wanting items that can be worn during your entire pregnancy?  Are you nearing the homestretch?
  3. Tell your stylist what you’re comfortable in.  This tip should be something you communicate whether you are pregnant or not, but be sure to let your stylist know if you’ve changed the way you’re dressing.  No more short dresses, only jersey shirts/material, etc.  
  4. Be creative!  When I first tried on a few items from this fix, I really didn’t like them!  Then as I paired them with various accessories and styled them differently, my opinion began to change!  The jury is still out on a few of them, so let’s get to it!! I need your help!!

Devon Crochet Back Maxi Dress


The first piece I tried on was the .  Let’s just say there was a bit of love at first sight when I pulled it out of the box.  A dramatic, “oh my goodness this dress” might have come out of my mouth for no one to hear but baby boy and me.  

I love it.  

The jersey is extremely soft.  The crochet detail is open, yet hits in a spot that feels sophisticated — I don’t feel like I’m showing off too much skin.  I do think I might chop it a little shorter, however.  I am going to wear it a few times long to see what I think, but I want it to be about 2″ longer….so my answer to that might be to chop it shorter.  I know, that reasoning doesn’t make sense at all.  I love the idea of it hitting just a bit above my knee.  

What do you think?  Keep? Am I delirious for loving it so much?  Chop it short? Keep it long? 

Devon Crochet Back Maxi Dress 2

Calapsia Spacedye Twisted Seams Tank


The next piece I tried on was the .  Meh.  It’s crazy soft, but I just don’t think the shape is flattering at all on me.  

I took it off about as quickly as I put it on, but I’d love to hear what you think!

Gabriel Floral Print Cross-Front Top


I love when I pull an item from my box and think, “eh, no thanks” only to be pleasantly surprised when I try it on!  This top–the Gabriel Floral Print Cross-Front Top–was one of those scenarios for me.  It almost feels like it is a maternity top–I’m curious to see it not worn on a bump!–and I love the high-low shape of it too.  It’s not too drastic, and it’s not too short in the front.  I’m just not sure if it’s me enough or not.   

Yay?  Nay?

Jo Maxi Skirt


I am still working out my feelings about maxi skirts and pregnancy bumps.  Maxi dresses? yes please.  Maxi skirts…. still deciding.  

I can’t figure out what is flattering and what just looks awkward!  Blerg.  This is soft, it’s comfortable — and oh, did you notice it’s bright? I’m a little nervy about that fact for sure.  My hair already turns neon-blonde in the summer, so I’m not sure I need another thing screaming, “here comes Kacia!!” when we are walking around the city or heading to the park.  

But it’s comfortable.  And right now?  I like comfortable.  


Rylee Waist Twisted Maxi Skirt


Another maxi!  More confusion!

I am a difficult customer… I know that about myself!  I’m ridiculously picky, so my average pick count is definitely one item.  Maybe two.  Maybe.  

I like unique, but I like timeless.  I like classic, but I like to be on trend too.  See?  You would hate being my stylist.  

The caught my eye immediately because of the gorgeous twist detail in the front.  I should have snapped a photo of it, but it also has a short skirt/lining as well!  I often find maxi skirts are jussssst a little too sheer and adding layers or wearing a slip in the hot summer is just dumb. 

So back to this skirt.  I put it on and immediately picked up my style cards: was it a dress? A skirt?  is it made for giants?  The skirt is crazy long.  Like a good 6″ too long if I wear it on my “natural” waist.  I’d love to see how people are styling this skirt sans bump! 

I sadly almost gave up — it was so unflattering worn this way that I thought for sure it was a send-back.  But then my crazy pregnancy brain said, “a dress! Make it a dress!” 

So I hiked it on up and tried it as a strapless dress and also a maxi skirt worn above the bump.  

Now I’m kind of swooning over it.  

But still confused.  Because that’s how I roll.  Lots of confusion.  Lots of love/hate when it comes to styling this bump.  

Meh? or high kicks? happy dance?  



So seriously.  

Help a girl out!  I need to send it back tomorrow, so my wishywashy mind needs to be made up.  Whenever I post after I send stuff back, you all make me wish I’d kept different items!  You are wise, so don’t be afraid to share your opinions!


Have you tried ?  See more of my past fixes and tips here!  Have you had a Fix with a bump?  I’d love to see what you received and how you styled it — any tips to add?


I labeled each of the photo collages below in case you keep a Pinterest board for your stylist — or just want to remember the name of the piece!  I talk a bit more about why it’s a great idea to have a Pinterest board to link your StitchFix stylist to here!

Devon-Crochet-Back-Maxi-Dress1 Devon-Crochet-Back-Maxi-Dress-2









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