
I don’t remember too many children’s book authors from when I was a kid, but Eric Carle is one I could tell you without skipping a beat.  I love that his books are timeless and such classics — Harlow loves them just as much as I did growing up!  Perhaps more!

Harlow’s favorite book to read with daddy is  — she can recite almost all of it!

The other day, as they began reading it together, we stopped her at the first page…. telling her we had a special surprise that would make reading it even better!


Almost every evening, she and daddy will stare out the window at the top of the stairs to find the moon together.

If it’s a sliver?  “Daddy, you need to get a very long ladder!”

If it’s close to being full?  Daddy, you can wait until to-later — it’s too big right now!”

If it’s covered by clouds?  “Daddy!?  I need you to fix the moon for me.  It’s broken!”  (or “brote-en” in the “K = T” language of my girl)

If it looks a bit too far away?  “Daddy, I can wait and be patient.  You get it later?  That sound good?”

I love these memories and special moments that these books help create!

book huggerbooks and smooches

So obviously when I heard that Gymboree was teaming up with Eric Carle to create this pajama and clothing collection — I did a few high kicks and said oh-my-goodness-YES!  Pajamas for kids and babies are definitely one of my favorite things to buy, but these take the cake.




I love watching these two make these memories I know Harlow will cherish for her entire life.  I often turn up the monitor during bedtime just so I can eavesdrop their adorable conversations while I’m washing dishes — okay, I almost always do.  And yes, sometimes I tear up and fight back tears it’s so cute!

What was your favorite Eric Carle book as a kid?  Do you have a favorite that you read to your kids now?




 Thank you Gymboree for sponsoring this post.  All opinions and love for Eric Carle, these pajamas and the sweet memories being made are all mine.

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