

I’ve had quite a few people asking me why on earth we’ve been calling him a fruit on the regular and well, you can blame his big sister.  :)

The story really isn’t that awesome or funny or cool or anything, but I’ve decided that Harlow is the queen of nicknames — the names she doles tend to stick!

Let’s back up a bit…

When we announced that we were expecting with Harlow, Andy’s parents asked to keep things simple: they wanted to be called Grandpa and Grandma.  Well, no matter how many times we called them that, Harlow would see them and squeal, “Mema! PopPop!!”

And well, it stuck.

My little sister, Kaitlyn, was given the name Aunt TeeTee, and now I think I call her that more than Kaitlyn/Kaiti or Kait!

So it only fits that she would give baby brother a nickname too!


This summer while we were at Northern Pines, Harlow’s CCA (babysitter), Cassidy,  told me one evening that Harlow had randomly declared that her baby brother’s name was Oranges.  The next morning I asked her about it, honestly thinking that she wouldn’t really remember what she’d told Cassidy, but she proudly announced,


Okay then!

Fast forward a few weeks, and we quickly realized that we couldn’t use his real name around her if we wanted to keep it quiet until his arrival.  (The most random people knew I was pregnant before we announced it due to Harlow’s random declarations of, “there is a baby in my mommy’s belly!” including the neighborhood crossing guard, the barista at Starbucks and the librarian.  Whoops!

We started just calling him Oranges whenever we were referring to him in front of Harlow or talking with her about her baby brother.  She also informed me that he would have sprinkles on his cheeks, so I’m super curious to see if he ends up being a total redhead with freckles!

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After a late night of labor and delivery — Jones was born during the 1am hour like his big sister — Rachel went home to crash, and we slept at the Midwife Center until about 7am.  We were treated to breakfast, and then began getting ourselves ready to bust on outta there to get home!

I had texted Jacquie the night before to see if she’d want to come over and capture images of Jones just a mere 8 hours old!! And she caught the first moments when Harlow met her baby brother, Oranges as well!  She is sharing a few of those photos over on her blog, and I can’t wait to share more with you here soon!! (Annnnnd a giveaway!)  We are praying everything aligns so that I can be there to photograph the birth of her sweet girl, Sally Lyn!!

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I have a fun giveaway planned for Thursday — remember those gorgeous necklaces I was wearing during Jones’s delivery?

Thank you, Jacquie for capturing these moments — I feel totally spoiled…and y’all.  I cannot WAIT to show you when Harlow met her Oranges.  My heart seriously exploded everywhere.

We are off to the Orchard for Harlow’s first field trip!



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