
You might remember these labels from a few previous posts from this summer…

eye makeup remover


 carryon liquids quart bag


facial toner


I use these little bottles and their labels daily, and I’ve been meaning to share the details on where I purchased my supplies — and also give y’all the file for the labels!


When I moved to a new apartment in 2008, I had this crazy desire to make all the bottles for my toiletries match.  If you want to know the whole story, I was at Williams Sonoma, saw their refill containers for things like dish and hand soap….and I wanted needed to find bottles similar to have at home!!  I began googling for wholesale bottles, and stumbled upon SKS Bottles.  Since 2008, I’ve purchased glass bottles to put things like bath salts for gifts, plastic and tin containers for storage, spray bottles, etc.  They’ve up’d the minimums you have to buy per item, but if you even grab another person to go in on it with you, it would work great!


A lot of vinyl is removable — made for wall decals, etc. — but I wanted a more permanent vinyl for these bottles.  If you google “permanent vinyl,” you’ll probably find a lot of options, but I purchased the Oracel 651 in white for these labels.  I purchased it from here.


The labels!  So I’ve included the 6 that I’ve made and used — but let me know in the comments what else you’d like to see, and I’ll add to this look.  I used my ScanNCut to cut these labels from the vinyl — and yes, I’m addicted to labeling everything these days…more on that soon. :)

If you know anything about me…you know that I’ll probably be bored with these in about a year, and I’ll probably design new ones. :)

  • scrub: facial scrub
  • wash: face wash
  • eyes: eye makeup remover
  • clear: facial toner
  • oil: oil cleansing method oil
  • lotion: face lotion

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have fun! and have a wonderful weekend!


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