You don’t have to be here long to know that I love sewing.  I grew up watching my mom sew, and it’s something I can’t wait to teach my kids.  I find it therapeutic, challenging, inspiring and just plain fun.

I also know that it can be super daunting to those who want to learn!  But really truly….it doesn’t have to be!  What I love about the ScanNCut is that it really does draw seam allowances and cut fabric….and then you just get to put it together!

Especially for those of you wanting to try your hand at quilting, this machine allows you to learn the ropes, try new techniques ….and you still have all of the other features and capabilities of the ScanNCut machine as well!  Today I want to walk through the creation of a quilt block using the built in quilt patterns that come on the ScanNCut machine.*

*If you don’t have a model that includes the quilt patterns, have no fear: they are available for purchase!



  • ScanNCut Machine
  • Standard Mat
  • Fabric Support Sheet
  • Standard Blade
  • Pen Holder and Fabric Pen
  • Quilting Cotton
  • Sewing machine and supplies


There are so many quilt block patterns to choose from – ranging from very basic to pretty complicated!  The machine does all the calculating for you, so even resizing the blocks is done with just a few button clicks.


1|| Begin by pulling up the quilt patterns on your ScanNCut Machine.  They are the first icon on the second page of built-in patterns.  If you’ve purchased them, they will be on a USB stick.

After clicking that first icon, you will see “Chapters” of patterns — within each additional icon are pages of corresponding patterns.  I told you, there are a lot of patterns!  You won’t get bored quickly!


2|| Find the pattern you’d like to use and select it.


3|| After selecting the block, you will choose the final size of your quilt block.


4|| The quilt block will be then broken down into the various pieces needed to create the block.  It will default to the colors in the image, but remember you can have fun and cut out your pattern from any fabrics you’d like!


5|| Select the shape you’d like to draw and cut first.


6|| Set up your fabric to be cut — if you’ve never cut quilting cotton, you can refer to my video on cutting fabric here!

Background scan your fabric and arrange your quilt pieces on the fabric space.  You can add other quilt pieces if you have space by clicking the “Add” button found in the top right corner.


7|| Place your fabric pen into the pen holder.  (I am using the black permanent pen for this tutorial, just so it’s easier to see the seam allowance lines in the photos.)


8|| Load your mat into the ScanNCut machine and draw your seam allowances.


9|| This next step is where many people get tripped up.  After you draw the seam allowance, the ScanNCut will ask if you’dl ike to “Select the next part” or “Finish.”

  • Select the Next Part: This option will erase what you currently have displayed and arranged on your mat.  It will go back to the piece selection for your quilt block, so that you can choose the next pieces to cut.
  • Finish: This option will bring you back to your current arrangement, so you can “Finish” those pieces by cutting them out.

Tip: Always save your current arrangement in case you click “Select next part” before cutting your quilt pieces.  That way, you can re-open that file and cut out the pieces.  


10|| My favorite settings for cutting quilting cotton:

  • Speed: 1
  • Pressure: 5-6
  • Blade: 2-4


11|| Using your spatula, carefully lift the pieces from your mat.


12|| Continue these steps until the block pieces have all been marked and cut from your fabric.


Tip:  Use a fragrance and alcohol free baby wipe to remove the threads and debris from your mat.  Allow it to dry and reuse!  


When you have your quilt pieces cut, you can begin piecing them together!

IMG_7513 IMG_7532

Using a 1/4″ foot, sew just inside of the seam allowance you’ve marked on your fabric.  By sewing this “scant 1/4″ seam, you will be left with a true 1/4” seam after pressing.


For this specific quilt block, piece each row and then sew the rows together.  I always prefer pressing my seams open, unless it doesn’t work for the specific pattern… like curves!  Which we will get to next.


You did it!

Now let’s talk about something that scares some people when it comes to quilting…curves!  Curves are one of my favorites to quilt — it’s kind of like magic!  It’s awkward to pin and a little weird to sew…but then you press it flat, and voila!  Curves and endless possibilities!


1|| Begin by following the steps above.  Mark your seam allowances and cut each piece out from your quilting cotton.


2||  When you’ve completed all of the pieces, it’s time to begin pinning.  I typically don’t pin when I piece quilts with straight seams, but I almost always pin with curves.  I know there are special feet you can use and other tricks, but I just bust out my tried-and-true pins.

IMG_7462  IMG_7464

3|| The great thing about the ScanNCut is that it marks your seam allowances, so with curved seams (and things like Y-seams) it makes it very easy to line up and sew!  I typically match end seams and a middle point first with a pin.


3|| Work your way along the seam — you will see it curve to one direction as shown above.


4|| Sew a scan 1/4″ seam along the pinned seam.  I like to allow the curve to go up as I sew, if that makes sense.

IMG_7477 IMG_7478

5|| You will be left with a seam like you see above.


6|| Press the seam flat and continue this process until the entire quilt block is completed!

IMG_7575IMG_7579IMG_7485IMG_7487IMG_7490IMG_7581 IMG_7594

You did it!  Curves don’t have be scary — quilting doesn’t need to be scary!  

I put together a quick video: Quilting with the ScanNCut in 90 (ish) seconds — go check it out! 



And for those of you who follow me in instagram, you might have seen the coupon book I made for Andy for our first date/engagement anniversary!  ScanNCut Canvas now has the ability to create dashed cut-lines — the perfect perforated line!  My mind is racing with ideas for how I could use it!! #imadork


I’ll post the template next week! xo!

Happy Thursday!



I am a paid spokesperson for the Brother ScanNCut Machine.  All project ideas and love for this little bundle of goodness is all my own.

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