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I have been so excited to share these photos with you — Rachel came over a few days after Jones was born to capture these moments.  I just keep staring at them.

…especially now that my scrawny little baby just weighed in at 12 el-bees at his 6 week appointment.

Yup.  Twelvers.

I decided to break up these photos into a few posts, because I couldn’t post them all today.  I honestly don’t think my hormonal postpartum self could take that.  So I’ll apologize in advance for the new-baby-Jonesy you’ll be seeing in multiples posts. :)

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This moment was so special, because Harlow couldn’t wait to feed Jones his first bottle.  She asked about it all morning until Rachel arrived.  It’s not like her face shows how proud she is or anything.


I know.  Jones is the spitting image of his daddy in those glasses!




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