You might remember the sneak peek of these place cards back in my leather napkin cuff tutorial a few weeks back! I wanted to share quickly how I made them — they are super quick to make! And then give you the entire alphabet to download, if you’d like! (in both FCM and SVG)
The file consists of the entire alphabet — each leather with an open bottom to create stand-up letters when the paper is folded as a table tent. Does that make sense?
All you need to do is rearrange the letters as you need and place inside of a rectangle. I recommend arranging them in ScanNCutCanvas, so you can align the bottom edge a bit better! After you have the name arranged, create a rectangle with the bottom of the letters hitting the middle of the rectangle (where you will fold it).
A few tips:
- Determine the longest name/word and desired size. Work from there to either keep the rectangle size consistent (copy/paste) or the letters the same size (select all and resize as a unit).
- Save the alphabet and upon opening the file, save as a New file. Always keep the original file, so you have that to continually use and modify.
- If you’d like, add a dashed line at the bottom of the letters to enable a clean fold. Do this step particularly if you are using thicker card stock paper.
Have fun! I can’t wait to host Andy’s family here for a late Christmas and bust out our china and some place cards for the occasion!
have fun! I can’t wait to see photos of what you create! and psst! don’t forget there is still time to enter this giveaway and this giveaway!
Kacia, I’m having no luck downloading either the .fcm or .svg Alphabet files. Nothing happens when I click on the links.
Love your photos, and your tutorials. I just got my ScanNCut yesterday, and will be trying out the machine on veneer wood soon.
Fullerton, CA
hmmm weird! it should download a .zip file! sometimes another tab opens and then it’ll download. Check your download folder! they will both be .zip — and when you unzip, one will have the FCM file and one will have the SVG file! I just tried them both again!
Keep me posted! excited to see what you create! Oh- pulled up your comment to reply, and then got distracted — I’m not sure the thickness of my wood veneer..i get it at Rockler!
This is too cute!!