
You might remember the sneak peek of these place cards back in my leather napkin cuff tutorial a few weeks back!  I wanted to share quickly how I made them — they are super quick to make!  And then give you the entire alphabet to download, if you’d like!  (in both FCM and SVG)


The file consists of  the entire alphabet — each leather with an open bottom to create stand-up letters when the paper is folded as a table tent.  Does that make sense?

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 10.53.10 PM

All you need to do is rearrange the letters as you need and place inside of a rectangle.  I recommend arranging them in ScanNCutCanvas, so you can align the bottom edge a bit better!   After you have the name arranged, create a rectangle with the bottom of the letters hitting the middle of the rectangle (where you will fold it).

A few tips:

  • Determine the longest name/word and desired size.  Work from there to either keep the rectangle size consistent (copy/paste) or the letters the same size (select all and resize as a unit).
  • Save the alphabet and upon opening the file, save as a New file.  Always keep the original file, so you have that to continually use and modify.
  • If you’d like, add a dashed line at the bottom of the letters to enable a clean fold.  Do this step particularly if you are using thicker card stock paper.

Have fun!  I can’t wait to host Andy’s family here for a late Christmas and bust out our china and some place cards for the occasion!



FCM Alphabet file

SVG Alphabet file

have fun!  I can’t wait to see photos of what you create!  and psst!  don’t forget there is still time to enter this giveaway and this giveaway!


I am a paid spokesperson for the Brother ScanNCut.  All love for the product and opinions and designs — all my own.

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