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A few months after Harlow was born, someone asked me if there was anything I loved that surprised me.  I thought about it for a moment and responded, “I had no idea I’d love nursing as much as I do.”

We’ve all got our things and that just happens to be mine.  I love that I’m forced to slow down for a moment — it’s one of the tangible times when I notice how much change and growth is occurring.  I notice how Jones’s eyelashes are so much blonder than Harlow’s ever were.  I see my fingernail shape on his tiny fingers.

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I don’t remember who recommended it to me, but I purchased a few Earth Mama Angel Baby products before Harlow was born.  When it came to nursing, this product and this product saved me.  I was so thankful for each of the items and now purchase them often for shower gifts.  They are always at the top of my recommendation list.  I’m the worst “product user,” but all of these items I used up completely — and typically ordered more!

From bath herbs to tea to spray and bottom balm — it’s the perfect gift (for someone expecting or for yourself!) This product is my absolute favorite, and I recommend it to just about everyone.

A little bit about Earth Mama Angel Baby:

Earth Mama believes in the natural process of birth, and the healing power of nature. Our mission is to provide safe, herbal alternatives for pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, and babies of all ages, and to help educate people about traditional plant medicine and safe personal care. We manufacture natural and organic products that work, combining generations of women’s wisdom and traditional plant medicine with the safety and assurances of contemporary evidence based research. If it doesn’t measure up to Mama’s standards, it doesn’t leave the building.  (via)

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Earth Mama Angel Baby would like to giveaway a Postpartum Recovery Essentials Bundle to one of you! It makes the perfect gift for someone expecting or with a newborn!  (or keep it for yourself!)

And we all just take a moment to remember how teensy Jonesy was?  how has he gotten so big already. ack!

a Rafflecopter giveaway






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