So Friday we learned how you can incorporate your ScanNCut Machine and appliqué work using BES Embroidery Lettering Software 3.  Today I’m back with a fun little project and some downloads for you!

One thing I love about embroidery and appliqué is coming up with projects to make with and for Harlow.  These fleece rainboot socks were such a blast to make with her — together we sat and watched as the machine did 20 passes to complete the design.  She was my thread gal: passing me the next spool of thread upon each pass completely. 

It only seemed fitting that we make some cute felt envelopes and invitations for her!  Her birthday isn’t for a few months, but these can be used for just about any event.  I wanted to come up with an invitation that was printed via a printer, but “printed” and cut via the ScanNCut

Shall we?

Begin by choosing an appliqué or embroidery design that fits inside a 5″x5″ square.  iBroidery is a fun place to purchase embroidery designs — specifically Disney if you are looking for that!  They also have a handful of appliqué designs.  Doing a quick google search for appliqué downloads will result in plenty to choose from, both free and for purchase.  

Below is the envelope pattern, so you can visualize where the embroidery placement should go.  You can download it as a .PDF, .FCM or .SVG file at the end of this post.  

A few tips on placement:

  1. If you are making the envelope out of felt, print out the PDF of the envelope to place over top of the felt.  Using a fabric pen, mark the inside square or anywhere you want to place the embroidery or appliqué design. 
  2. If you are making the envelope out of paper, draw the outlines using the purple air-soluble pen.  You could either add a drawn design or embroidery right on the paper.  <– something I will be tackling and showing you soon. 
  3. Rotate the envelope design if that helps for placement and cutting. 

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 3.25.12 PM


After you’ve appliquéd your design, it’s time to cut out the envelope.  I used a stiff, poly felt.  My cut settings were as follows: 

  • blade depth: 11
  • blade pressure: 7-9
  • speed: 1


Using the fabric support sheet placed on a standard mat, apply the felt to your mat.


Background scan your felt and align the pattern with your appliqué design. 

IMG_3338 IMG_3341 IMG_3343 IMG_3345  

Now it’s time to have you ScanNCut machine write and cut the invitation.  Download, save, and open the invitation file.  Draw the text (adding any details you’d like) and cut.  

IMG_3348 IMG_3351 IMG_3352

Using a needle and thread, sew your envelope together. I used a button at the meeting point to close the envelope, as you can see below!




FCM // Envelope // Invitation

SVG // Invitation

PDF // Envelope // Invitation



Happy Monday!


This post was done in collaboration with Brother.  All ideas, photos and opinions are my own. 
How to make felt flowers - a step by step tutorial DIY with video!

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