One thing I’ve really struggled with since our move is finding a new routine. I’m not the most rigidly structured person, but I also know that I don’t thrive in wide open spaces of days. I’m working hard to create routine and structure in our day-to-day — summer vacations are also so great at coming right at the time when days are seemingly falling into place. :) Haha, God’s way of making sure I’m not getting board, eh?
So I want to do a better job of document just weekly stuff. The boring and the mundane – finding joy in it all. These posts are more selfishly for me, but I hope you enjoy catching glimpses of our boring little life as well.
My little handsome man turned 10 months. Um remember how shocked I was? I’m honestly still amazed that this little boy is in our family — and I cannot imagine life without him. He truly is full of joy. At night when I pray for him, I ask God to continue using his smile to impact others. I know that days have been made and cold hearts warmed because of the joy that just explodes from him.
He’s got a mouth full of teeth: 6 to be exact! Clapping, waving and signing “more” are some of his favorites. Well, those and lifting his foot to be tickled so he can giggle hysterical. That might just be his favorite.
The average no-holding step count is 3. I’m waiting until a solid 4-5 steps to call it, but it’s amazing how much more confident he is each day!
First birthday? Never. I’m in denial.
Harlow and I worked on a little tutorial coming at you soon…. ;)
Tile picking is full force around here. After approximately 1000 trips to the store and .coms, we have landed on everything but the floor of our shower. Waiting for a few tiles to come in, so we can make the final decision!
Next up: wood floor stain color. We want a grey-brown, so I’m leaning towards either minwax Classic Grey a half/half mix of Classic Grey and Weathered Oak. Pinterest seems to be exploding with that combination…so we shall see.
In other news, our builder thinks we are crazy for painting every wall and trim white — well, except for Harlow’s room. She requested pink, so she’s getting some pink. :) But for everything else, the Nord in me says BRING ON THE WHITE.
Oh! Andy’s second cousin, Emily, gave us some yummy zucchini from their garden, so we made this and it was RIDICULOUSLY good.
these two.
that is all.
Loved this post–sharing your busy life! You’re right–Jonesy’s joy does explode from him! Tell Harlow I love her printing on her little bag. What a great idea! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
Have fun making all the decisions about your house.
lurve this!