I struggle throwing things away, because I love imagining what new life I can give old items.  ….marry a fellow artist who also struggles with that, and you get scheduled purging sessions, so the things don’t pile up!

But this project is all my sister’s idea!  She loves her ScanNCut just as much as I do, and it is so fun to share ideas and projects with each other.  

They had a collection of window blind blades – some wood and come composite – sitting around from the extra length on their shades.  She had the genius idea of using them as garden label stakes: let’s jump right in!



Brother ScanNCut Machine

Standard mat – or low tack mat

Permanent Adhesive Vinyl

2″ Window blind blades

a garden! ;)


For this step, you’ll need a handsaw or bandsaw.  Using the natural spaces left for the string of your blinds, cut into shorter pieces.  I used two different types and one ended up being about 9″ long, the other about 11″. 

At one end, create a point.  This side will go into the ground or dirt in a pot.  


Next, write out the plant names.  I love using handwriting for projects like this, but you can choose a font on your ScanNCut machine or use ScanNCutCanvas as well! 


Place your paper on a Low Tack or Standard mat (I like to keep “beat up” standard mats around for scanning computer paper.) and select the “Scan to Cut Data” option. 


Use the zoom feature to be sure all of the details were picked up. 


Place your vinyl on the mat and load into the ScanNCut Machine.


Do a background scan to ensure placement.  


Sit back and let your ScanNCut do the work!

My favorite cut settings for adhesive vinyl:

  • Depth: 1
  • Pressure: 0
  • Speed: 1


Using transfer paper, place the vinyl on each of the stakes.  You can make them double-sided if you wish as well! 

If you’re unsure how to use the transfer paper, you can watch my video below, which shows the process!


Now go grow a garden!

IMG_1368 IMG_1370 IMG_1373 IMG_1375


This post was done in partnership with Brother International.  All opinions are my own. 
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