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Wow.  6 months and my last Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries entry.  On one hand, the time has flown by.  On the other hand, my time as a Sling Diariest marks my time here in the Boston area: Pittsburgh feels so far away. 

With my last entry, I’ve been given the task of writing about community.  It feels so perfectly fitting.  

It causes me to ache with the pain of missing my community back in Pittsburgh, only to wipe away the tears to reveal an incredible community here in our new village.

Neither better or worse, but each are beautiful in their own way. 

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I’ve moved a few times in my life, but many were when I was too young to remember.  I did the back and forth from college for four years, moved to Pittsburgh after graduating, and hopped around a bit with apartments and our home there.  

The packing of boxes. 

The unpacking of them. 

The purging.  The cleaning.  

All of those things are hard and fun and time consuming and real. 

It’s the leaving though.  

I’ve talked about it before, but the village we had was something special.  The tribe of moms and dads and neighbors and friends became stronger with every life event.  I understood the village needed to raise the children, and I saw its beauty firsthand. 

Leaving our community.  Leaving our village.  It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.  

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With the pain of leaving, brought a door open to a new community.  A different community.   At first I didn’t want to open myself up — I wanted to pretend like we were embarking on a long vacation, only to return “home” after a short while. 

But the problem with vacations is that they are temporary: it would be difficult for a tree to take root and really get grounded if it was only going to be there temporarily.  

So I’m learning to take root.  

I’m learning to let myself be loved by people.  I’m learning to say yes when people offer to help.  I’m striving to live like we’ll be here a long while, even though I have no idea how “while” our time here will be. 

I’ve already learned so much during our short time here.  I’m bringing aspects of my village with me, and seeing the beauty of this new village building.  This community is beautiful, quirky, loving, and patient.  

As much as I dread the sadness of someday leaving here–leaving this community–I can’t let the potential sadness keep me from being present and here.  I want to need this community.  I want this community to need me.  I want my kids to see us loving our city and its people well. 

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Thank you, Sakura Bloom for this opportunity to be a Sling Diarist.  I am honored to part of this community as well.  There are some days I wish the internet would go away, but for the people it has brought into my life, I will forever be grateful.  

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