Stickers. Stickers. So many uses for stickers! In case you are tuning in for the first time, we are on Day 3 of the 12 Days of ScanNCut! And one of you is going to win your very own !
It’s amazing how many things I can find to label and sticker-ize when given the opportunity, but I thought ’tis the season for leftovers.
When you purchase the , you will receive an activation code to use in ScanNCutCanvas — this code will enable the ability to create a PDF to print your design and pick from 100 sticker templates available. OH! And PS, I have a laser printer, not an inkjet printer, and it works just fine! Here is a little sneak peek of how the Sticker Tool in ScanNCutCanvas looks:
This sticker kit (available in both and ) is different than many other kits out there, due to the 4 step process.
- Print or draw design
- Apply laminate sheet
- Cut out stickers
- Stick’m!
Okay, so it’s really just a 3-step process, but the sticking is the best part. Watch as I show you how simple it is to create custom stickers:
I love that these stickers are reposition-able on most glass or plastic surfaces. Be sure to test first!
*I mention this in the video, but the download files have a bleed allowance included for lining up the cut file with your printed stickers. I failed do that for the photo above. :)*
I’m already planning freezer meal instruction stickers and stickers for organizing the kids’ rooms. I have found that dry and wet erase markers work well for adding a date or note to the label!
What would you sticker-ize? Besides everything. ;)
ScanNCut2! (with the Rhinestone Starter Kit!) If you already entered, remember I am adding new entry forms each day! And you can share daily for extra entries as well!
Prize provided by Brother. Open to continental US shipping addresses.
I love the ‘leftovers’ sticker – anything to fancy up the inside of my fridge!
My girl wants a Mary Poppins birthday party, we need stickers.
I could use stickers to organize baby clothes and book bins!
Stickers!! That’s amazing! I love this! So many opportunities!
For me second project I’d love to use stickers for a filing system for my home office.
For Day 2: I’d want to decorate my daughter’s blouses with cute designs.
So many ideas. For Day 2, I’d love to make holiday cards and thank you cards.
Stickers and labels to organize my craft stuff! :)
I really need labels for storage in our closets. I love to be organized and those would help so much!
I would make labels for everything ha! But since I’ll be student teaching in a month. Labels for all my binders would probably be the most realistic project to start!
Freezer label stickers for stockpiling the freezer would be amazing!
Sinks for showing what comes with the sticker kit! Very cool project