Well hello. 

So many things to say, not really sure where to start.  I feel as if I’m going for a run after a year long hiatus — I’ve missed it, yet it takes some a lot of motivation to get there….and to keep going!

A lot has been happening since my last post in this space ….almost three months ago.  Whoops!  After moving to a new town, moving again, reprioritizing, and really just realizing I needed to let go of some of the mental stress I had going on, I stepped away.  

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?  

This long deep breath has been so good.  So many little changes that have amounted to a lot.  The biggest change was simply a moment to get my health – both mentally and physically – back in order and also see what I missed the most.  

I’ve taken a break from creating….almost entirely!  (Well, except for this baby zapping all my energy!) It’s been hard, but it’s been good.  I sound like a bit of a broken record, but I just needed to miss it!  I had gotten to a point where I didn’t feel like I was creatively being true to myself.  I was constantly feeling behind, due to not giving myself adequate periods of time off during packing and moving from Pittsburgh, living in a temporary apartment, and packing and moving again to our home.  I think part of that was to keep me distracted from dealing with all the change and missing so much back in Pittsburgh, so forcing myself to face everything head on has been…you guessed it: hard, but good.  

I have so many idea whirling around my head, and we have changes ahead for us as a family, and I truly have missed you all.  I’m not going to put crazy pressures on myself to create the most pin-able projects or crafts.  I’m not going to stress about perfectly formulated posts and schedules.  I want to get back to just sharing some favorites and finds.  I want to get back to opening my front door a bit and saying, hey! come see what our crazy little life is like.  

As the kids get older, I’m more and more aware of the internet space.  I’m not sure exactly what that means, so it’ll be a process, I’m sure.  

I could keep going – I mean, really! 3 months to catch up on!  But I’ll end it here, with some photos to follow, of course. 


announced on instagram a few months ago — surprise!

Maple Sugaring Tour!



Showing me his claws. :)

“Just to show me how much he loves me.  They are even pink!”

Thanks for sticking around.  I truly have missed you all. 


I recently changed web hosts, and in doing so, realized that my email was down for about a month.  I’m so sorry if you emailed and had your email message returned.  It should be up and running now — please email me again.  I’m so sorry! xo

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