my hospital bag

my hospital bag

I’ve learned that I nest by creating: sewing, knitting, dreaming, scheming, etching … that’s how I knew I’d be having him soon.  Yes, there was a little bit of cleaning and organizing that took place as well, but in my mind I had a few projects I’d been planning since early on in my pregnancy that I knew I wanted to finish before his arrival.  The one I obsessed over?  My hospital bag.

I really don’t know why I had such a specific vision for the bag I wanted to bring with to the birth center — it was so clear in my mind, yet I didn’t tackle it until about 2 weeks before he was born.

In my mind, I’d made it a million times, but I was so nervous to actually tackle it. 

But once I got started, it sort of came together.  In a perfect world, I’d love to get this finalized and a pattern to you tomorrow…. In the end of my construction, the bag ended up looking like I wanted to…but it’s a hack when it comes to how I finished it and pieced it together.  I’ve warned my little sister that I need to pick her genius sewing brain…. so when we do that, I’ll hopefully get it finalized and out to you all!


I really wanted to have some goodies made for Jones before he arrived.  We’d decided on his name early on, so I was fairly confident that we weren’t changing it.  I’d had onesies made for Harlow and some booties for her to wear home (although I might have finished those while I was in early labor with her… along with packing my bag. Whoops!), so I wanted to do a few of those special things for Jonesy too.


My dream for this bag was simple: a duffle on top with an additional zipped section at the bottom.  I loved being able to pack the things I needed for me in the top section, while filling the bottom with gifts and other things for Jones.  I loved how the diagonal quilting turned out on the top section — I used my painter’s tape technique!  Am I the only one who finds it so calming and therapeutic to quilt such precise lines?  Welp. ;)


Eeks! I really am excited to tackle the pattern in a way that is a bit more doable and repeatable — we’ll get there.  Excited to share some of the goodies I packed in this duffle!  My original plan was to have a matching one made smaller for Harlow….but, I’ve learned to tell myself no when things are just absurd given the amount of time in a given day, the amount of time I need to sleep and the number of weeks I am pregnant….I told myself ‘no’ on that one. ;)  Maybe someday!


Airplane Quilt | Generation Q Magazine!

Airplane Quilt | Generation Q Magazine!


ACK!  I have been waiting to spill the beans on this quilt for what feels like forever!  I originally made a version of this quilt for my friend Kate’s baby boy — I couldn’t sleep one night and thought,

what if I made a quilt with the instructions for folding a paper airplane!?!? 

I made the quilt and shared a photo I had of it with the editors of Generation Q.  We started a conversation about getting the pattern in one of their 2014 issues….and long hours later of working out the pattern and ironing out the details….


They totally didn’t tell me it would be on the cover!

I’m definitely a “make it work” person when I’m working on a single, custom quilt — especially when a quilt involves weird math and angles like this one!  It has super simple aspects, and it has a lot of sections that require a bit of focus and attention to detail.  So as I reworked the quilt with a pattern in mind, it was a whole new ballgame!  But finishing this pattern has definitely given me a kick in the rear to get my other patterns OUT of my moleskins and into y’all’s hands!


I had a little bit of fun with the back! I paper pieced a smaller version of the large and finished airplane — I love how the back turned out!  It really could be a simple quilt of its own.

If you’re wondering if I’m already planning on trying to crank out some of those, you read my mind and guessed correctly. :)  I might do a flash sale via instagram, if I can get my act together…. you know, being due in 3 weeks and all …and having a to-do list that’s a mile long…sure!  Haha, we shall see!


Yes.  Completely embarrassing myself.

That is a 36 week and pregnant woman jumping in the air because, well, freaking out.


Thank you ALL for your constant encouragement and support — and ridiculous amount of patience as let my perfectionism get in the way of just getting these patterns to you all!  I cannot WAIT to see finished versions of this quilt!

Off to get my quilt idea for baby boy out of my head and hopefully into reality!

Go check out this issue of Generation Q! — and find out where you can purchase it locally, so you can make this quilt too!

psst!  I’ll be using #CRairplaneQuilt for my posts with this quilt and other colorways!  Please tag me (@CoconutRobot), so I can see! And always feel free to email me with questions!




the story of the circle quilt // Pray for Baby Grey

the story of the circle quilt // Pray for Baby Grey


I’ve been wanting to write this post for a few weeks now — it was just 5 days ago that Grey turned one month old!  The story of how this quilt came to be and little Grey is one that I just don’t want to forget.

I went to college with Allie and Ryan, and I was able to see her this spring as we celebrated at a shower of a friend who was expecting her first.  In a completely funny moment, Allie and I realized we were due within days of each other, but neither of us had made the news very public yet at all.


Months prior, I was sorting fabric in my sewing room when a grouping of grey pieces of fabric ended up in a pile with some bits of coral mixed in.  I loved the simplicity of the colors and began unfolding the fabric and playing with various combinations.  I ended up keeping it really simple on both sides — not even really deciding on a front or back, but loving both equally.

I began finalizing ideas for how I wanted to quilt this square beauty, with a little bit of simple and modern trapunto mixed in as well.  I didn’t know who this quilt was for, but I knew I needed to make it.  I decided to quilt it using concentric circles.  It would take a bit of time to do, but I didn’t realize just how long it would take.

I would wake up early in the morning and sew circles…circle after circle after circle.  All the while praying for this baby, unsure if it was a future baby of ours or even perhaps a baby I would never meet.  I wasn’t sure, but I knew I needed to keep making it.

I finished quilting it and it was then folded up and tucked away, unsure of the recipient, I just wasn’t able to finish it.


Fast forward…

On June 17, Allie was admitted to the hospital due to her baby’s size and what was finally diagnosed as HELLP syndrome.

Grey Delphine was born on June 20, 2014 weighing in at only 0.9 lbs and just 10 3/4 inches long.  She began fighting for her life and has continued proving everyone around what a fighter she truly is.

When I woke up to the news that she had arrived, immediately I knew.  I hadn’t known who this baby was that I’d been praying for was until now: this quilt was made for Grey.  I had purpose in finishing it once more, and I finally got it in the mail to Allie.  Each of those circles representing time praying for Grey Delphine, just not by name.  I had no idea she existed when these lines were stitched, but that doesn’t matter.

Grey Delphine just turned one month last Thursday!  She is growing strong and continuing her fight.  Allie and Ryan are blogging updates here — please keep Grey, Allie and Ryan in your prayers!



meet my featherweight, Tina Turner

meet my featherweight, Tina Turner

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Y’all, I’d like you to meet my new-to-me but not-new-at-all Singer Featherweight.

Her name is Tina Turner.

I can’t take credit for the name, I posted a photo to instagram of this new beauty the evening she joined our family, and I was reminded as to why my college roommate, Shelby, always had me in stitches.

Seriously a treasure! You should name her Tina Turner …vintage, showy.  Crazy good moves.

oh! And she’s a “singer” <– see what I did there?

Yup.  No other names would even come close.  Tina Turner she became!

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Owning and using a Singer Featherweight to use to piece my quilts has been something on my wishlist for a while now.  I had seen one sewing beautiful stitches and started researching why these little beauties were so sought after and loved.  I knew I didn’t want to break the bank for one, but hoped one would someday land on my lap.

Like I often do, I obsessed and trolled ebay, craigslist and other sale sites for a Featherweight back in 2013.  I found plenty of machines, but all of them way more than I was wanting to spend!  So I stopped my search, and honestly kind of thought that owning one just wasn’t in the cards for me.

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Enter Pittsburgh Quilt Market 2014.  The dream of owning one of these little machines was sparked again, but again, I wanted one with a story…not just one I randomly found online.  I told Andy that evening that I would love to find one with a single owner — not from a dealer or collector.

During lunch one day, I looked on Pittsburgh Craigslist and found two Singer Featherweights listed — one had beautiful photos and details and promised a working and cleaned machine.  One had a terrible cell phone photo, was 1/3 of the price and lacked any and all details.

Of course I fell for the pretty photos and contacted the seller.  Her price was firm.  It was higher than I wanted to spend.  Meh.  Dead end.

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The next day I decided I might as well try the other listing as well, what was there to lose!  I called the phone number listed and as I was leaving a message, the number was calling me back.

The conversation was hysterical and awesome.

Turns out, this Featherweight was owned by one person, the seller’s grandmother.  He told me, “she was one of those quilter types.”  I started laughing, well, you might call me that too… as I look around, surrounded by quilts.  I asked if it worked, he laughed.

Something felt right.  He told me that if I could get there today, it was mine — a collector was coming the next day to buy it, but it was mine if I could come beforehand.  He said the collector told him bluntly that he was selling it for far too little, but he told me, “I just want it to go to a good home.”

I promised him that I would take great care of her!

So Andy and Harlow drove out to pick it up.  Andy said that when he suggested they plug it in, they laughed realizing that they hadn’t even done that yet.  And wouldn’t you know, my little charmer, Harlow, had this grandma and grandpa so smitten that he charged us even less than what he listed it for.

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You guys, it’s still threaded.  It looks like it’s been used 2x.  Okay, maybe 5 times.  The lightbulb still works.  There are little notes, stitching samples… a 30 cent package of sewing needles.

This machine is perfect.

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So there is my little sewing machine gush-fest. :) Andy and I are planning on doing all the cleaning and maintenance ourselves, and I heard from many people that purchasing the handbook and DVDs from here was the only way to go.  We are hoping to tackle it in the next week or so!  I’ve been procrastinating a bit, because I want my first quilt to be the one I make for this baby boy (oy! I almost typed his name…yikes!  This whole know-the-gender-and-name-but-keeping-it-a-secret thing is hard!) but I still haven’t decided on a design for him just yet!

Any Featherweight owners out there?  Ever sewn on one before?  eeks!  I’m so excited to get her clean and running smoothly!  Y’all, it still has the ruffle foot it came with — I can’t wait to use that thing.

I’d love to do something with all the memories kept in its case — any ideas for displaying the notes and things?  Shadowbox? I’m hitting a wall, I’d love to hear your ideas!




four awesome things for Friday!

four awesome things for Friday!

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Wow!  Thank you ALL for all the excitement and joy and love and encouragement and just hands down awesomeness over our little announcement!  We really are over the moon, and I am still shocked.  Coming from a family of all sisters, I just really thought a Sorority House and Andy would be in the cards for us!

The morning we found out, I was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee reminding myself that there really was a 50% chance that the cake would be blue.  “Nah,” I’d think, “there is absolutely no way.”

Part of the video was actually me explaining to our family how we totally thought our ultrasound technician had slipped up by saying sister a few times to Harlow super nonchalantly.  Now I want to go back and tell her what a rockstar she is!  She completely had us fooled!  I honestly hadn’t even planned on sharing the video of us finding out, but finding out at 20 weeks was so different than waiting like we did for Harls, I quickly popped my camera on the tripod and hit record.

Welp.  I remembered being shocked, but it wasn’t until I was editing the footage that I realized just how shocked I was!  Ha.  Hahaha.  Annnnnnnnd I wonder sometimes where Harlow gets her drama from — apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh?

I just had a few fun things to share with you all today!  Next week is going to be PACKED with stuff — tutorials, projects, new products, Harlow’s Birthday <– someone hold me while I cry about her turning three.  I can’t handle it.

Well let’s get to it!

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1 || These little gems are hitting the shop next week!  Wondering what they are?  Oh don’t you worry, I shall share their awesomeness with you soon.  Tiny little bits of awesomeness.  I promise!  They were a genius little idea of my sister’s and as you can see, every member of my family requested some when they were out here a few weeks ago!  I know the shop has been looking a little bare, but I really am working behind the scenes to get patterns and kits out to y’all soon!  Just need more time in the day….and no need for sleep.

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2|| I’m working on a project to share with you next week, and well, I couldn’t stop snapping photos of this sweet little silhouette of Harlow.  I know.  I’ll wait a minute while you pull yourself together too.

Gorgeous, right?

I’m seriously amazed at all my ScanNCut does and cuts, and I’ll be sharing my tips on successfully cutting wood veneer with you next week!  Go ahead and grab your ScanNCut from Amazon, so you can craft along with me!  The little mudroom hooks are sure to get you hooked on it.  <– see what I did there?

Show you what a dork I am.  :)

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Pretty gorgeous, eh?


3|| Eeks!  Cannot wait to show you what this little sneak peek is!  I’m still completely in awe of a few behind the scenes things happening, and I cannot wait to share them all with you!


4|| And last but certainly not least!!

A Brickyard Buffalo Sale!!!  I will update with the direct link as soon as it goes live! <– sale is live, y’all!

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I know I’ve been a little quiet around here regarding products and the Etsy shop!  I’ve been pretty busy designing and working on tutorials — all things I love!  I just need more time in the day!

As the Original Custom Leather Pacifier Clip company, we really are proud of the pacifier clips we’ve developed!  Looking back on where they started and where they have come, I couldn’t be prouder!  I smile — and with pregnancy hormones, often tear up — when I see photos of babies and toddlers using their clips!  Sales like this one just mean that more of you get to get your hands on one…or two, or three, or four. :)

I’m excited to share that today we start a flash sale with Brickyard Buffalo!  The clips are available in a few colors, etched with the name or text of your choice!  These colors and others will be listed on etsy for full price at the close of the Brickyard sale.

And as promised, a new product and my first pattern  will be going live in the shop next week as well!  HUZZAH! To celebrate we miiiiiiight just need to do a giveaway of sorts. :)  More to follow!

Happy Friday, y’all!  I’m off to finish about seven million half-finished projects I have around the house.  I know.  My poor husband!






Gus the narwhal || Coconut Robot quilt

Gus the narwhal || Coconut Robot quilt


Yup. I’ve joined the narwhal craze.  I can’t get enough of these unicorns of the sea, and this quilt is no exception. Recently, I’ve been designing so many quilts with solids — it’s like bringing the color blocking trend to quilts.

This quilt is similar to Kaden’s in that it’s made up of blocks to create the narwhal design.  I still use graph paper to begin my sketches, and it’s so neat to see the curves and pieces come to life as I sew.  I wanted this quilt to look loved and worn right from the get-go, and I think that look was accomplished in the end!

Gus’s eye and horn —what is that thing called? — are both sewn on after the top has been pieced, and sandwich quilted.  I wanted them to stand out.  I love the way the horn shows a bit of dimension by not having any quilting seams going through it.

If I had to pick a second favorite part of the quilt — the first being that narwhal horn — it would be the tail.  I love the way that the curves came out.

I’ll get a better shot of the back, but I kept it pretty simple using shades of yellow — the same as his horn and then a bit brighter — and some leftover blues.   I machine finished my binding, and I love how it turned out.  Sometimes I prefer finishing the binding by hand, but I also love the durability of binding with all machine stitches too.  Oh, decisions. 


And yes, pattern will be coming soon-ish.  I need to warm my cold feet and just get these out there — I put a lot of pressure on myself when it comes to patterns and things like that. I’m always nervous that what makes sense for me will totally lose everyone else, so ack.  stay on me, k?

Happy Narwhal Thursday!  that should be a thing.


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