the birth of Sally Lyn // Birth Photography

the birth of Sally Lyn // Birth Photography


A few weeks ago, I had the absolute honor of photographing the beautiful birth of Sally Lyn.  I wasn’t sure I would make it to the hospital in time, and I cut it pretty close: Sally was born pretty soon after I walked in the room!

Jacquie has become such a wonderful friend of mine, since meeting her about a year ago.  Sally is her third sweet little girl — do you remember the reveal cake Harlow and I made for her a while back?  She is crazy talented, beyond kind and her labor and delivery made me want an epidural like whoooooa. ;)

I want to let these photos tell their story, so I’ll get a few things out of the way:

  • yes, Jacquie is the only person I know who brings a knitting project to her labor room.
  • The love between Brandon and Jacquie was absolutely beautiful.  I was so thankful to be there during this gift of a birth — after some scary and difficult birth experiences, it was a beautiful gift.
  • Sally is so cute, and Jacquie is just stunning — as you will see!

Jacquie and Brandon, thank you for letting me document these beautiful moments.  Words don’t describe the emotions that filled the room that evening, and I pray somehow these photos capture these moments and memories for you in a way that blesses you.

Love you both and your sweet family!



I will be booking a very limited number of birth photos in 2015.  Please email me (kacia @ coconutrobot dot com) if you are interested.  Thank you!


a Bip & Bop giveaway! // birth story necklaces

a Bip & Bop giveaway! // birth story necklaces


These necklaces don’t need much of a description — they speak for themselves.  I wanted to wear them every day after receiving them, but Andy gave me strict orders to keep my Harlow and Jones chain hidden away until I went into labor. :)  So I proudly wore my Andrew chain until the contractions made it clear that Jones was making his appearance soon — on the necklace went!


I receive so many comments when I wear these necklaces, and so many of you asked about them after seeing them in the photos from Jones’s birth!

so….. let’s giveaway $100 to do some shopping at Bip & Bop!  Easy entries below!  And be warned: you will totally want to fill your cart with so many of her beautiful pieces — her designs are so classic and timeless!

off to snuggle my Jonesy — good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jones’s Birth Story // in photos

Jones’s Birth Story // in photos

These photos were taken by my dear friend, Rachel.  Part of me is tempted to explain and write captions throughout the photos , but I think they stand strongest on their own.  

When I was given the honor of photographing the birth of my friend Ashley’s daughter, Marion, I told numerous people that capturing those emotions was almost more incredible than giving birth myself.  Well, I’ve found one thing that topped it: allowing myself to experience my labor and delivery experience again through these photos.  The moments when I wanted to escape and not be present, I am able to see clearly and look back on now.  

Rachel, thank you for being there and documenting these moments — for giving up a night of sleep to do it!  I cannot wait for your precious bundle to be here!


Photos // Rachel Rowland Photography

Location // The Midwife Center

Necklace // Bip & Bop




Marion Annabel // a beautiful birth story in photos

Marion Annabel // a beautiful birth story in photos


This last monday evening, er wee hours of the morning, I had the rare privilege of photographing the birth of my friends’ daughter, Marion Annabel.  After having Harlow — and the blessing of having our emotions and experience documented — I knew that capturing this moment would be an incredible gift to others.  I had mentioned to Ashley about my dream to someday become a birth photographer, and she immediately said, “okay I’m due December 15!”

To say I was nervous was an understatement — I told them I would capture these moments, but what if nothing even turned out?  I’m super hard on myself.  I’m excited to grow and improve, but I do know that I tear up every time I look through these images, so I’m hopeful that some emotion was captured and is portrayed through these photos.

A warning to you all  — these photos are completely fine for work, but well, there are just a lot of photos.  {I had such a hard time choosing!}
Sorry, not sorry.


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Dustin and Ashley, thank you for allowing me to be present as Marion Annbel entered this world.  I was and still am immensely honored to have taken these photos and been there with you.  We love her so much already!


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