dad’s famous granola recipe

dad’s famous granola recipe


When I think of homemade granola, I think of my daddy.  It is only on the rarest of occasions that he can be found eating something other than granola for breakfast.

It is a passenger on road trips.

It takes many a plane ride.

You get the idea — where my dad goes, a bag of granola goes with him. He has been making, baking — and at one point even selling his granola at a local food coop in exchange for a membership! — and eating this granola for years.  In fact, not sure who named it, but it’s been dubbed Jeff’s Famous Granola.  I get emails all the time from people asking for the recipe — especially friends from high school who tried it and have recently wanted to make it themselves!

I tried said granola and quickly became hooked when I was in middle/high school.  The only problem?  The extra–and in my opinion, unnecessary, stuff he always added.  Cashews, sunflower seeds, craisins — no thanks.

So I asked him if I could make a batch of my own.  Next thing I know, I had my own recipe with the steps to make the perfect batch of my kind of granola — Meghan’s Famous Granola.  

I have a photo of the recipe card somewhere….I will find it one of these days. :)

Since that recipe, both my dad and I have changed our “add-ins” quite a bit — he still adds stuff that makes me go blech, but that’s just me.  I’ve gut gluten, so the wheat products are out, and I’ve gotten a little less picky, so things like sliced almonds are in.

Have fun experimenting — happy granola making adventures!  #iamsuchadork


Dad's Famous Granola

Course Breakfast
Cuisine Gluten Free
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 50 minutes


  • 12 cups rolled oats not quick oats
  • 1 cup buckwheat groats
  • 1 cup red quinoa [dry]
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • 1/2 cup freshly ground flax seed
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 4-6 Tablespoons cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 1/4 cup honey


  1. Preheat oven to 225.
  2. Mix dry ingredients together in large metal bowl.
  3. In a microwave safe measuring cup, measure out liquids. Heat up oil and honey until you're able to mix well.
  4. Pour honey and oil mixture over dry ingredients and work liquid into all dry ingredients. Be sure to incorporate all dry ingredients -- there is often stuff hiding out at the bottom if you're not careful.
  5. Place bowl of granola in oven and bake for 90 minutes. Serving size: 1/3-1/2 cup.
green smoothies & a giveaway!

green smoothies & a giveaway!


I told a friend the other day that one of the unexpected perks of our stroller is that it has become such a conversation piece.  I’ve met some of my dearest friends because of that crazy, bright red thing!

I love unexpected conversations with unexpected people. 

I knew that the Mason Bar Company created the most elegant and well designed mason jar tumblers I had found, but what surprised me the most was how quickly people noticed what I had noticed about them!  They are so beautifully designed: clean, simple, user friendly.

I rarely go anywhere anymore without one, and more often than not, someone is stopping me to ask where I found it!  {I’ve been writing down “COCONUTROBOT” for them as well, because that will save you 20% through the end of this month!  I can tell you that my cart is filling up quickly–these make the best gifts!}

I try to stay away from plastic when possible, but glass plus toddlers isn’t always the best combination!  What I love about Bobbi’s solution–she is the genius and gem behind the Mason Bar Company–is that mason jars are tough and mason jars can be replaced.  So many glass water bottles tend to break the bank….and then end up breaking, but a mason jar?  Easy to find and easy to replace!  Although mine have taken quite a few tumbles, and I have yet to replace a jar!

If you have mason jars and don’t need anymore?  Purchase the tumbler lids in the size and straw color of your choosing.  I love the Mason Jar sizes found in their shopthis one and this one are my absolute favorites!

Harlow and I thought it would be fun to round up a few of our neighborhood friends and head on over to Randyland for a morning of adventure, exploring, and green smoothies, of course.


And now you can enter to win 3 Mason Bar Tumblers {You choose the sizes!}

Don’t forget to order this month, so you can save 20%! Use ‘COCONUTROBOT‘ at checkout!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



Be sure to check out some of Rachel’s latest photoshoots!  

Spicy Mandarin Orange Muffins

Spicy Mandarin Orange Muffins


These muffins are one of my absolute favorites — my mom used to make them for us growing up, and I would sample as many oranges out of the can as she could spare.
I also made the batter before realizing I hadn’t replaced my ruined muffin tins….so mini loaves of bread was the result.

It was also my second attempt at Gluten Free baking–the first were these amazing barsso here is the recipe!  I’ve added what I did to make them gluten free–I’ll probably continue tweaking it as I learn more. 

Mandarin Orange Muffins | Gluten Free

Childhood favorite made gluten free. Cinnamon, all spice and nutmeg bring a warm spice to these muffins. Sure to be a favorite for children and adults alike! 

Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine Gluten Free
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Author kacia


  • 1 can mandarin orange segments 11 ounces
  • cups flour {I used 2/3 cup all purpose gluten free flour 1/3 cup oat flour, 1/2 rice flour}
  • teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon allspice
  • ¼ cup sugar with ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup butter
  • 1 egg slightly beaten
  • ¼ cup milk


  1. Drain mandarin oranges. (Save juice and add to batter if too dry.)

  2. Add flour and all dry ingredients

  3. Cut in butter.

  4. Combine egg and milk, and add all at once.

  5. Mix just until flour is moistened.

  6. Add oranges, mix lightly.

  7. Spoon into greased muffin pan (3/4 full).

  8. Sprinkle tops with cinnamon/sugar.

  9. Bake at 350o for 20-25 minutes

  10. Enjoy!



simple crab bisque

simple crab bisque

IMG_3519 I married a Maryland man.

When I was first moving to Pittsburgh–which is a story for its own time–my mom gave me one rule:

“You can’t marry anyone from Pittsburgh.”

It wasn’t anything about the city or the people–just the distance.  Wisconsin and Pittsburgh aren’t exactly next door neighbors.
But we sure are thankful for Skype, planes, cars, and telephones.

Maryland is to fresh crab meat as Wisconsin is to cheese.

As you’ve probably guessed: I needed to learn {and learn quickly} how to use this Maryland love.

I was terrified to try my hand at Crab Bisque, but after a few attempts that shouldn’t be repeated and the purchase of a can of clam juice,
which I will never do again.

I’ve come up with a recipe that is simple, delicious, and Maryland-er approved.


{download/print recipe here}


1 lbs fresh crab
8 T butter
1 c carrots [optional]
1 large onion
½ c flour
32 oz/1 qt chicken broth
1 small can of tomato paste
2 pinches of cayenne pepper
2 pinches of nutmeg
½ t saltpepper to taste
1 t smoke paprika
1 can of evaporated milk/coconut milk/cream
½ c sherry [optional]
siracha chili hot sauce [optional]


  1. Melt butter in a 8 qt stock pot.
  2. While butter is melting, put carrots and onions in a food processor. [I turn mine into mush – but you can chop as much as you’d like]
  3. Add the carrots and onions to the butter.  Cover and let simmer until vegetables are tender. [~4 min]
  4. Whisk in the flour to create a roux.  Allow the flour to cook-out a bit, stirring continually.
  5. Gradually add the broth.
  6. Add the tomato paste and whisk until smooth.
  7. Bring to boil while stirring almost constantly.
  8. Add the cayenne, nutmeg, salt, pepper, milk of choice, and sherry. Add siracha chili sauce to taste.   [I’ve also added all spice, ginger, garlic – whatever you’d like!]
  9. Stir in the crabmeat and cook until it is heated through.  Do not boil.
  10. Serve!

Notes:      If it gets too thick, add broth, milk or cream to add more liquid.

memories and Christmas cookies

memories and Christmas cookies

Happy Monday!

I’m over at LoveFeast Table today sharing one of my absolute favorite Christmas cookie recipes.
Strike that.
Cookie Recipe. 

These cookies are so much more than holiday cookies: they are awesome all year long.
I promise.

Please head on over and check out the recipe, and Rachel’s gorgeous photos!

You can also win the chance to win one of these amazing Recipe Journals.
{a fifty dollar value! check out my guest post and then leave a comment HERE to enter to win!}

I have an admission to make.

I’m not a big sweets person.  I’m just more of a salt-snack girl.

Yes, there is a but…

I will always make cookies with my family.  Because for me?

Making them together is the most important part…

{read the rest here!}


 Link up with LoveFeast’s 3rd Annual Cookie Exchange here!


{lazy} overnight whole wheat Cheese bread

{lazy} overnight whole wheat Cheese bread

I love bread.

A lot.

I love fresh-out-of-the-oven-butter-melted-on-top-cannot-eat-enough bread.
[is your mouth watering yet?]

I also was blessed with a mama who made most of the bread we ate.
Yes, spoiled, I know.

And then?  Then she started grinding her own flour.  Not with a mortar and pestle.
But maybe still a little bit crazy.

It’s so crazy-awesome, that I decided to join the fun.

I hit up Craigslist to find one of these beauties listed on the cheap–
along with 100 pounds of wheat berries the seller threw in as well.

But well, that whole making and baking thing…


As much as I want to have fresh bread on my to-do list every week,
I get a little overwhelmed sometimes by the task.
…which happens to be enhanced by the toddler running around.

That was until I made…

{lazy} overnight whole wheat Cheese bread

5 minutes of prep the night before means that fresh-out-of-the-oven bread is on the menu for dinner the following evening.  You ready?

  • 3 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • [1 cup shredded cheese – I used freshly shredded Dubliner Cheese from Trader Joe’s]
  • other mixins: nuts, cranberries, raisins, flax seed

Grab a bowl and mix all the ingredients–except the cheese/mixins–together with a spatula.  It’ll be goopy and sticky–just go with it.  Cover with plastic wrap and place in a corner on your counter.

Forget about it.

Go to sleep.

Enjoy the next day: ignore the bread!

Let that bowl of stickiness sit at room temperature for at least 12 hours–or just count back from dinner 1.5 hours.  Turn your oven to 450°F and place a covered dish that can withstand the heat inside.  I used a ceramic Corningware dish, but you could use cast iron–as long as it doesn’t have a plastic knob and it has a cover.  When the oven gets hot, set the timer for 35 minutes.

While the oven is warming up  getting ridiculously hotwith your dish inside–dump 1/3 cup of flour on a flat service.  Pull out the dough from the bowl and shape into a ball-ish shape–folding the shredded cheese or other mix-ins.  It’ll still be sticky and goopy: that is okay. 

Place the dough back into the bowl and let it sit until your timer goes off.

Go take a nap.

Remove the hot dish from the oven–carefully!–and plop the dough into the hot dish.
Plop is a good word to describe it–I think you’ll agree.

Also random: does anyone else call a casserole a “hotdish?
My husband makes fun of me every time I say it.  How rude.

Place the dish back in the oven for 30 minutes with the cover on, then remove the cover for 10 minutes.

Allow to cool slightly before removing bread from the dish: it’s hot!

Then slice.

And eat.
[And if you’re nice, share.] 


I’d love to hear what mixins you try!  And how it turns out — keep me posted!


UPDATE: I’ve had a few questions regarding which type of casserole dish to use!  I suggest cast iron or ceramic/stoneware.  {Just be sure to check their maximum temperature limits!} 

A few cast iron favorites:
Le Creuset Enameled Cast-Iron 3-1/2-Quart Round French Oven, Cherry
Staub 5.5 Quart Round Cocotte

A few ceramic favorites:
CorningWare French White 2-1/2-Quart Round Casserole Dish with Glass Cover
Rachael Ray Stoneware 2-3/4-Quart Covered Bubble and Brown Casserround Casserole, Red


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